rancher / quickstart

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AWS terraform deploy fail #225

Open mesenger opened 11 months ago

mesenger commented 11 months ago


I tried running the AWS quickstart. not marketplace, I renamed and edited the .tfvars file accordingly. However, when I call terraform apply --auto-approve it fails with the following error message:

Error: ....

Plan: 20 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

Changes to Outputs:

### File mentioned in error:

[cloudshell-user@ip-10-4-170-188 aws]$ cat -n ../rancher-common/rancher.tf 1 # Rancher resources 2 3 # Initialize Rancher server 4 resource "rancher2_bootstrap" "admin" { 5 depends_on = [ 6 helm_release.rancher_server 7 ] 8 9 provider = rancher2.bootstrap 10 11 password = var.admin_password 12 telemetry = true 13 }

ADmin password is added in .tfvars before execution:

8  # Admin password to use for Rancher server bootstrap, min. 12 characters
 9  rancher_server_admin_password = "5FXHG?NB4iMT"

I am thinking maybe password is not passed correctly from tfvars ? Just guessing, not expert on terraform

Thank you for any help