Install rke and ./rke up --dind --config cluster1.yml
$ ./rke up --dind --config cluster1.yml
INFO[0000] [dind] Pulling image [docker:17.03-dind] on host [tcp://]
INFO[0007] [dind] Successfully pulled image [docker:17.03-dind] on host [tcp://]
FATA[0008] Failed to start [rke-dind-cluster1-node1] container on host [tcp://]: Error response from daemon: linux mounts: path /var/lib/kubelet-rke-dind-cluster1-node1 is mounted on / but it is not a shared mount
Is remote Docker daemon supported with --dind option?
RKE version: rke version v0.1.15
Docker version: (
docker version
,docker info
preferred) 18.09.0Operating system and kernel: (
cat /etc/os-release
,uname -r
preferred) Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS (Bionic Beaver)Type/provider of hosts: (VirtualBox/Bare-metal/AWS/GCE/DO) Windows WSL
cluster.yml file:
Steps to Reproduce:
./rke up --dind --config cluster1.yml
Is remote Docker daemon supported with --dind option?