rancher / system-upgrade-controller

In your Kubernetes, upgrading your nodes
Apache License 2.0
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DesiredSet - Replace Wait batch/v1, Kind=Job #277

Open tamirshkolnik opened 7 months ago

tamirshkolnik commented 7 months ago

I'm getting the following error in the system-upgrade-controller: "error syncing ... DesiredSet - Replace Wait batch/v1, Kind=Job "

when looking into the plan pod logs I can see the following error:

Error from server: Get "https://<machine ip>apply-<pod name>/upgrade": EOF

Do you have any idea what causes it ?

system-upgrade-controller version - v0.13.0 rancher/kubectl version - v1.23.3

brandond commented 7 months ago

Do you have any idea what causes it?

No? That "Replace Wait" message usually just means its deleting and recreating the job to apply a change. You'll need to provide much more context on what's going on with the plan, job, and job pods.