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Update dapper image in .drone.yml #208

Closed superseb closed 1 year ago

superseb commented 1 year ago

Using rancher/dapper tag lower than 0.4.2 (confirmed this manually) causes the builds to break with the newly released Docker v23.x, error seen:

/usr/local/bin/docker: Error response from daemon: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: exec: "./scripts/entry": stat ./scripts/entry: no such file or directory: unknown.

This can be automatically updated using Renovate, you can onboard the repository using this link.

Affected repositories (created by using https://sourcegraph.com/search?q=context:global+repo:rancher/.*+file:.drone.yml+image:+rancher/dapper:v0.4.1&patternType=standard&sm=0&groupBy=repo):

X = fixed, V = PR open
[X] github.com/rancher/backup-restore-operator
[X] github.com/rancher/telemetry
[X] github.com/rancher/security-scan
[X] github.com/rancher/channelserver

Team 3
[V] github.com/rancher/prometheus-federator
[V] github.com/rancher/prometheus-auth
[V] github.com/rancher/helm-project-operator
[V] github.com/rancher/helm-locker
[V] github.com/rancher/ui-plugin-operator

[V] github.com/rancher/loglevel
[V] github.com/rancher/kube-api-auth
[X] github.com/rancher/build-tekton

[X] github.com/rancher/rancherd

[X] github.com/rancher/system-agent-installer-k3s

Needs to be archived (https://github.com/rancherlabs/eio/issues/1503)
