rancher / terraform-provider-rancher2

Terraform Rancher2 provider
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Add support for machine_selector_files #1225

Closed jiaqiluo closed 9 months ago

jiaqiluo commented 10 months ago




machine_selector_files can be used, combined with the machine_selector_config, to achieve the goal of configuring the API audit logging on REK2/K3s clusters.

The support for setting machine_selector_files is missing on the TF side.


This PR adds support for the machine_selector_files filed on the Cluster_v2 resource.


Engineering Testing

Manual Testing

Below are the TF files I used for testing the new fields

Details ``` provider "rancher2" { api_url = var.rancher_api_url token_key = var.rancher_admin_bearer_token insecure = true } # Create amazonec2 cloud credential resource "rancher2_cloud_credential" "foo" { name = "foo" amazonec2_credential_config { access_key = var.aws_access_key secret_key = var.aws_secret_key } } # Create amazonec2 machine config v2 resource "rancher2_machine_config_v2" "foo" { generate_name = "jiaqi-machine" amazonec2_config { ami = var.aws_ami region = var.aws_region security_group = [var.aws_security_group_name] subnet_id = var.aws_subnet_id vpc_id = var.aws_vpc_id zone = var.aws_zone_letter root_size = var.aws_root_size } } resource "rancher2_secret_v2" "foo" { cluster_id = "local" name = "config-file-1" namespace = "fleet-default" data = { audit-policy = "testing file for machine selector files \n" } annotations = { "rke.cattle.io/object-authorized-for-clusters" = "rke2-1" } } # Create a new rancher v2 amazonec2 RKE2 Cluster v2 resource "rancher2_cluster_v2" "jiaqi-rke2" { name = var.rke2_cluster_name kubernetes_version = "v1.25.13+rke2r1" enable_network_policy = false default_cluster_role_for_project_members = "user" rke_config { machine_pools { name = "pool1" cloud_credential_secret_name = rancher2_cloud_credential.foo.id control_plane_role = true etcd_role = true worker_role = true quantity = 1 machine_config { kind = rancher2_machine_config_v2.foo.kind name = rancher2_machine_config_v2.foo.name } } machine_selector_files { machine_label_selector { match_labels = { "rke.cattle.io/control-plane-role" = "true" } } file_sources { secret { name = "config-file-1" default_permissions = "644" items { key = "audit-policy" path ="/etc/rancher/rke2/custom/test-policy.yaml" permissions = "666" } } } } } } ```

Automated Testing

The existing tests are updated.

QA Testing Considerations

Regressions Considerations

Cluster provisioning or upgrading fails