rancher / terraform-provider-rancher2

Terraform Rancher2 provider
Mozilla Public License 2.0
253 stars 216 forks source link

Failure when updating rancher2_cluster_template #524

Open caiconkhicon opened 3 years ago

caiconkhicon commented 3 years ago

Rancher2 provider version: 1.10.6

I have an RKE template with 6 revisions:

Annotation 2020-11-16 153509

I update it by replacing the first 2 revisions (1.16.6 and 1.17.2) in the TF code by 2 new revisions. Then I run terraform plan and terraform apply.

terraform plan shows the changelog:

  # module.rancher.rancher2_cluster_template.default will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "rancher2_cluster_template" "default" {
        annotations         = {}
        default_revision_id = "cattle-global-data:ctr-qmh4p"
        description         = "K8S cluster template with hardening configuration"
        id                  = "cattle-global-data:ct-f86d2"
        labels              = {
            "cattle.io/creator" = "norman"
        name                = "default"
        members {
            access_type = "owner"
      ~ template_revisions {
            annotations         = {}
            cluster_template_id = "cattle-global-data:ct-f86d2"
            default             = false
          - enabled             = true -> null
            id                  = "cattle-global-data:ctr-rs2mh"
            labels              = {
                "io.cattle.field/clusterTemplateId" = "ct-f86d2"
          - name                = "v.1.16.6-rancher1-2" -> null
          - cluster_config {
              - default_pod_security_policy_template_id = "restricted" -> null
              - docker_root_dir                         = "/var/lib/docker" -> null
              - enable_cluster_alerting                 = false -> null
              - enable_cluster_monitoring               = false -> null
              - enable_network_policy                   = false -> null
              - windows_prefered_cluster                = false -> null
              - rke_config {
                  - addon_job_timeout     = 30 -> null
                  - addons_include        = [] -> null
                  - ignore_docker_version = true -> null
                  - kubernetes_version    = "v1.18.3-rancher2-2" -> null
                  - ssh_agent_auth        = false -> null
                  - network {
                      - mtu     = 0 -> null
                      - options = {} -> null
                      - plugin  = "canal" -> null
                  - services {
                      - etcd {
                          - creation      = "12h" -> null
                          - external_urls = [] -> null
                          - extra_args    = {
                              - "client-cert-auth"      = "true"
                              - "peer-client-cert-auth" = "true"
                            } -> null
                          - extra_binds   = [] -> null
                          - extra_env     = [] -> null
                          - gid           = 0 -> null
                          - retention     = "72h" -> null
                          - snapshot      = false -> null
                          - uid           = 0 -> null
                      - kube_api {
                          - admission_configuration = {} -> null
                          - always_pull_images      = false -> null
                          - extra_args              = {} -> null
                          - extra_binds             = [] -> null
                          - extra_env               = [] -> null
                          - pod_security_policy     = true -> null
                          - service_node_port_range = "30000-32767" -> null
                          - audit_log {
                              - enabled = true -> null
                              - configuration {
                                  - format     = "json" -> null
                                  - max_age    = 30 -> null
                                  - max_backup = 10 -> null
                                  - max_size   = 100 -> null
                                  - path       = "/var/log/kube-audit/audit-log.json" -> null
                          - event_rate_limit {
                              - enabled = true -> null
                          - secrets_encryption_config {
                              - enabled = true -> null
                      - kube_controller {
                          - extra_args  = {
                              - "address"                     = ""
                              - "feature-gates"               = "RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"
                              - "profiling"                   = "false"
                              - "terminated-pod-gc-threshold" = "1000"
                            } -> null
                          - extra_binds = [] -> null
                          - extra_env   = [] -> null
                      - kubelet {
                          - extra_args                   = {
                              - "feature-gates"     = "RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"
                            } -> null
                          - extra_binds                  = [] -> null
                          - extra_env                    = [] -> null
                          - fail_swap_on                 = false -> null
                          - generate_serving_certificate = true -> null
                      - scheduler {
                          - extra_args  = {
                              - "address"   = ""
                              - "profiling" = "false"
                            } -> null
                          - extra_binds = [] -> null
                          - extra_env   = [] -> null
                  - upgrade_strategy {
                      - drain                        = false -> null
                      - max_unavailable_controlplane = "1" -> null
                      - max_unavailable_worker       = "10%" -> null
      ~ template_revisions {
            annotations         = {}
            cluster_template_id = "cattle-global-data:ct-f86d2"
            default             = false
          - enabled             = true -> null
            id                  = "cattle-global-data:ctr-x5775"
            labels              = {
                "io.cattle.field/clusterTemplateId" = "ct-f86d2"
          - name                = "v1.17.2-rancher1-2" -> null
          - cluster_config {
              - default_pod_security_policy_template_id = "restricted" -> null
              - docker_root_dir                         = "/var/lib/docker" -> null
              - enable_cluster_alerting                 = false -> null
              - enable_cluster_monitoring               = false -> null
              - enable_network_policy                   = false -> null
              - windows_prefered_cluster                = false -> null
              - rke_config {
                  - addon_job_timeout     = 30 -> null
                  - addons_include        = [] -> null
                  - ignore_docker_version = true -> null
                  - kubernetes_version    = "v1.17.2-rancher1-2" -> null
                  - ssh_agent_auth        = false -> null
                  - ingress {
                      - extra_args    = {} -> null
                      - node_selector = {} -> null
                      - options       = {
                          - "http2-max-field-size"   = "16k"
                          - "log-format-escape-json" = "true"
                          - "log-format-upstream"    = "{\\\"time\\\": \\\"$time_iso8601\\\", \\\"remote_addr\\\": \\\"$proxy_protocol_addr\\\", \\\"x-forward-for\\\": \\\"$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for\\\", \\\"request_id\\\": \\\"$req_id\\\", \\\"remote_user\\\": \\\"$remote_user\\\", \\\"bytes_sent\\\": $bytes_sent, \\\"request_time\\\": $request_time, \\\"status\\\":$status, \\\"vhost\\\": \\\"$host\\\", \\\"request_proto\\\": \\\"$server_protocol\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"$uri\\\", \\\"request_query\\\": \\\"$args\\\", \\\"request_length\\\": $request_length, \\\"duration\\\": $request_time,\\\"method\\\": \\\"$request_method\\\", \\\"http_referrer\\\": \\\"$http_referer\\\", \\\"http_user_agent\\\": \\\"$http_user_agent\\\" }"
                          - "proxy-body-size"        = "900m"
                        } -> null
                      - provider      = "nginx" -> null
                  - network {
                      - mtu     = 0 -> null
                      - options = {} -> null
                      - plugin  = "canal" -> null
                  - services {
                      - etcd {
                          - creation      = "12h" -> null
                          - external_urls = [] -> null
                          - extra_args    = {
                              - "client-cert-auth"      = "true"
                              - "peer-client-cert-auth" = "true"
                            } -> null
                          - extra_binds   = [] -> null
                          - extra_env     = [] -> null
                          - gid           = 0 -> null
                          - retention     = "72h" -> null
                          - snapshot      = false -> null
                          - uid           = 0 -> null
                      - kube_api {
                          - admission_configuration = {} -> null
                          - always_pull_images      = false -> null
                          - extra_args              = {} -> null
                          - extra_binds             = [] -> null
                          - extra_env               = [] -> null
                          - pod_security_policy     = true -> null
                          - service_node_port_range = "30000-32767" -> null
                          - audit_log {
                              - enabled = true -> null
                              - configuration {
                                  - format     = "json" -> null
                                  - max_age    = 30 -> null
                                  - max_backup = 10 -> null
                                  - max_size   = 100 -> null
                                  - path       = "/var/log/kube-audit/audit-log.json" -> null
                          - event_rate_limit {
                              - enabled = true -> null
                          - secrets_encryption_config {
                              - enabled = true -> null
                      - kube_controller {
                          - extra_args  = {
                              - "address"                     = ""
                              - "feature-gates"               = "RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"
                              - "profiling"                   = "false"
                              - "terminated-pod-gc-threshold" = "1000"
                            } -> null
                          - extra_binds = [] -> null
                          - extra_env   = [] -> null
                      - kubelet {
                          - extra_args                   = {
                              - "feature-gates"     = "RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"
                            } -> null
                          - extra_binds                  = [
                              - "/var/openebs/local:/var/openebs/local",
                            ] -> null
                          - extra_env                    = [] -> null
                          - fail_swap_on                 = false -> null
                          - generate_serving_certificate = true -> null
                      - scheduler {
                          - extra_args  = {
                              - "address"   = ""
                              - "profiling" = "false"
                            } -> null
                          - extra_binds = [] -> null
                          - extra_env   = [] -> null
                  - upgrade_strategy {
                      - drain                        = false -> null
                      - max_unavailable_controlplane = "1" -> null
                      - max_unavailable_worker       = "10%" -> null
        template_revisions {
            annotations         = {}
            cluster_template_id = "cattle-global-data:ct-f86d2"
            default             = false
            enabled             = true
            id                  = "cattle-global-data:ctr-bqnfh"
            labels              = {
                "io.cattle.field/clusterTemplateId" = "ct-f86d2"
            name                = "v1.18.3-rancher2-2"
            cluster_config {
                default_pod_security_policy_template_id = "restricted"
                docker_root_dir                         = "/var/lib/docker"
                enable_cluster_alerting                 = false
                enable_cluster_monitoring               = false
                enable_network_policy                   = false
                windows_prefered_cluster                = false
                rke_config {
                    addon_job_timeout     = 30
                    addons_include        = []
                    ignore_docker_version = true
                    kubernetes_version    = "v1.18.3-rancher2-2"
                    ssh_agent_auth        = false
                    ingress {
                        extra_args    = {}
                        node_selector = {}
                        options       = {
                            "log-format-escape-json" = "true"
                            "log-format-upstream"    = "{\\\"time\\\": \\\"$time_iso8601\\\", \\\"remote_addr\\\": \\\"$proxy_protocol_addr\\\", \\\"x-forward-for\\\": \\\"$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for\\\", \\\"request_id\\\": \\\"$req_id\\\", \\\"remote_user\\\": \\\"$remote_user\\\", \\\"bytes_sent\\\": $bytes_sent, \\\"request_time\\\": $request_time, \\\"status\\\":$status, \\\"vhost\\\": \\\"$host\\\", \\\"request_proto\\\": \\\"$server_protocol\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"$uri\\\", \\\"request_query\\\": \\\"$args\\\", \\\"request_length\\\": $request_length, \\\"duration\\\": $request_time,\\\"method\\\": \\\"$request_method\\\", \\\"http_referrer\\\": \\\"$http_referer\\\", \\\"http_user_agent\\\": \\\"$http_user_agent\\\" }"
                            "proxy-body-size"        = "900m"
                        provider      = "nginx"
                    network {
                        mtu     = 0
                        options = {}
                        plugin  = "canal"
                    services {
                        etcd {
                            creation      = "12h"
                            external_urls = []
                            extra_args    = {
                                "client-cert-auth"      = "true"
                                "peer-client-cert-auth" = "true"
                            extra_binds   = []
                            extra_env     = []
                            gid           = 0
                            retention     = "72h"
                            snapshot      = false
                            uid           = 0
                        kube_api {
                            admission_configuration = {}
                            always_pull_images      = false
                            extra_args              = {}
                            extra_binds             = []
                            extra_env               = []
                            pod_security_policy     = true
                            service_node_port_range = "30000-32767"
                            audit_log {
                                enabled = true
                                configuration {
                                    format     = "json"
                                    max_age    = 30
                                    max_backup = 10
                                    max_size   = 100
                                    path       = "/var/log/kube-audit/audit-log.json"
                            event_rate_limit {
                                enabled = true
                            secrets_encryption_config {
                                enabled = true
                        kube_controller {
                            extra_args  = {
                                "address"                     = ""
                                "feature-gates"               = "RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"
                                "profiling"                   = "false"
                                "terminated-pod-gc-threshold" = "1000"
                            extra_binds = []
                            extra_env   = []
                        kubelet {
                            extra_args                   = {
                                "feature-gates"     = "RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"
                            extra_binds                  = [
                            extra_env                    = []
                            fail_swap_on                 = false
                            generate_serving_certificate = true
                        scheduler {
                            extra_args  = {
                                "address"   = ""
                                "profiling" = "false"
                            extra_binds = []
                            extra_env   = []
                    upgrade_strategy {
                        drain                        = false
                        max_unavailable_controlplane = "1"
                        max_unavailable_worker       = "10%"
        template_revisions {
            annotations         = {}
            cluster_template_id = "cattle-global-data:ct-f86d2"
            default             = false
            enabled             = true
            id                  = "cattle-global-data:ctr-b52fp"
            labels              = {
                "io.cattle.field/clusterTemplateId" = "ct-f86d2"
            name                = "v1.18.3-rancher2-3"
            cluster_config {
                default_pod_security_policy_template_id = "restricted"
                docker_root_dir                         = "/var/lib/docker"
                enable_cluster_alerting                 = false
                enable_cluster_monitoring               = false
                enable_network_policy                   = false
                windows_prefered_cluster                = false
                rke_config {
                    addon_job_timeout     = 30
                    addons_include        = []
                    ignore_docker_version = true
                    kubernetes_version    = "v1.18.3-rancher2-2"
                    ssh_agent_auth        = false
                    ingress {
                        extra_args    = {}
                        node_selector = {}
                        options       = {
                            "http2-max-field-size"   = "16k"
                            "log-format-escape-json" = "true"
                            "log-format-upstream"    = "{\\\"time\\\": \\\"$time_iso8601\\\", \\\"remote_addr\\\": \\\"$proxy_protocol_addr\\\", \\\"x-forward-for\\\": \\\"$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for\\\", \\\"request_id\\\": \\\"$req_id\\\", \\\"remote_user\\\": \\\"$remote_user\\\", \\\"bytes_sent\\\": $bytes_sent, \\\"request_time\\\": $request_time, \\\"status\\\":$status, \\\"vhost\\\": \\\"$host\\\", \\\"request_proto\\\": \\\"$server_protocol\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"$uri\\\", \\\"request_query\\\": \\\"$args\\\", \\\"request_length\\\": $request_length, \\\"duration\\\": $request_time,\\\"method\\\": \\\"$request_method\\\", \\\"http_referrer\\\": \\\"$http_referer\\\", \\\"http_user_agent\\\": \\\"$http_user_agent\\\" }"
                            "proxy-body-size"        = "900m"
                        provider      = "nginx"
                    network {
                        mtu     = 0
                        options = {}
                        plugin  = "canal"
                    services {
                        etcd {
                            creation      = "12h"
                            external_urls = []
                            extra_args    = {
                                "client-cert-auth"      = "true"
                                "peer-client-cert-auth" = "true"
                            extra_binds   = []
                            extra_env     = []
                            gid           = 0
                            retention     = "72h"
                            snapshot      = false
                            uid           = 0
                        kube_api {
                            admission_configuration = {}
                            always_pull_images      = false
                            extra_args              = {}
                            extra_binds             = []
                            extra_env               = []
                            pod_security_policy     = true
                            service_node_port_range = "30000-32767"
                            audit_log {
                                enabled = true
                                configuration {
                                    format     = "json"
                                    max_age    = 30
                                    max_backup = 10
                                    max_size   = 100
                                    path       = "/var/log/kube-audit/audit-log.json"
                            event_rate_limit {
                                enabled = true
                            secrets_encryption_config {
                                enabled = true
                        kube_controller {
                            extra_args  = {
                                "address"                     = ""
                                "feature-gates"               = "RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"
                                "profiling"                   = "false"
                                "terminated-pod-gc-threshold" = "1000"
                            extra_binds = []
                            extra_env   = []
                        kubelet {
                            extra_args                   = {
                                "feature-gates"     = "RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"
                            extra_binds                  = [
                            extra_env                    = []
                            fail_swap_on                 = false
                            generate_serving_certificate = true
                        scheduler {
                            extra_args  = {
                                "address"   = ""
                                "profiling" = "false"
                            extra_binds = []
                            extra_env   = []
                    upgrade_strategy {
                        drain                        = false
                        max_unavailable_controlplane = "1"
                        max_unavailable_worker       = "10%"
      ~ template_revisions {
            annotations         = {}
            cluster_template_id = "cattle-global-data:ct-f86d2"
          ~ default             = false -> true
            enabled             = true
          ~ id                  = "cattle-global-data:ctr-bvrgd" -> (known after apply)
            labels              = {
                "io.cattle.field/clusterTemplateId" = "ct-f86d2"
          ~ name                = "v1.18.3-rancher2-4" -> "v1.18.3-rancher2-6"
          ~ cluster_config {
                default_pod_security_policy_template_id = "restricted"
                docker_root_dir                         = "/var/lib/docker"
                enable_cluster_alerting                 = false
                enable_cluster_monitoring               = false
                enable_network_policy                   = false
                windows_prefered_cluster                = false
              ~ rke_config {
                    addon_job_timeout     = 30
                    addons_include        = []
                    ignore_docker_version = true
                  ~ kubernetes_version    = "v1.18.3-rancher2-2" -> "v1.18.9-rancher1-1"
                    ssh_agent_auth        = false
                    ingress {
                        extra_args    = {
                            "tcp-services-configmap" = "$(POD_NAMESPACE)/tcp-services-custom"
                        node_selector = {}
                        options       = {
                            "http2-max-field-size"   = "16k"
                            "log-format-escape-json" = "true"
                            "log-format-upstream"    = "{\\\"time\\\": \\\"$time_iso8601\\\", \\\"remote_addr\\\": \\\"$proxy_protocol_addr\\\", \\\"x-forward-for\\\": \\\"$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for\\\", \\\"request_id\\\": \\\"$req_id\\\", \\\"remote_user\\\": \\\"$remote_user\\\", \\\"bytes_sent\\\": $bytes_sent, \\\"request_time\\\": $request_time, \\\"status\\\":$status, \\\"vhost\\\": \\\"$host\\\", \\\"request_proto\\\": \\\"$server_protocol\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"$uri\\\", \\\"request_query\\\": \\\"$args\\\", \\\"request_length\\\": $request_length, \\\"duration\\\": $request_time,\\\"method\\\": \\\"$request_method\\\", \\\"http_referrer\\\": \\\"$http_referer\\\", \\\"http_user_agent\\\": \\\"$http_user_agent\\\" }"
                            "proxy-body-size"        = "900m"
                        provider      = "nginx"
                    network {
                        mtu     = 0
                        options = {}
                        plugin  = "canal"
                  ~ services {
                        etcd {
                            creation      = "12h"
                            external_urls = []
                            extra_args    = {
                                "client-cert-auth"      = "true"
                                "peer-client-cert-auth" = "true"
                            extra_binds   = []
                            extra_env     = []
                            gid           = 0
                            retention     = "72h"
                            snapshot      = false
                            uid           = 0
                        kube_api {
                            admission_configuration = {}
                            always_pull_images      = false
                            extra_args              = {}
                            extra_binds             = []
                            extra_env               = []
                            pod_security_policy     = true
                            service_node_port_range = "30000-32767"
                            audit_log {
                                enabled = true
                                configuration {
                                    format     = "json"
                                    max_age    = 30
                                    max_backup = 10
                                    max_size   = 100
                                    path       = "/var/log/kube-audit/audit-log.json"
                            event_rate_limit {
                                enabled = true
                            secrets_encryption_config {
                                enabled = true
                        kube_controller {
                            extra_args  = {
                                "address"                     = ""
                                "feature-gates"               = "RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"
                                "profiling"                   = "false"
                                "terminated-pod-gc-threshold" = "1000"
                            extra_binds = []
                            extra_env   = []
                      ~ kubelet {
                          ~ extra_args                   = {
                              + "eviction-hard"            = "memory.available
                              + "eviction-minimum-reclaim" = "memory.available=512Mi"
                                "feature-gates"            = "RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"
                              + "kube-reserved"            = "cpu=500m,memory=1512Mi"
                              + "system-reserved"          = "cpu=500m,memory=512Mi"
                            extra_binds                  = [
                            extra_env                    = []
                            fail_swap_on                 = false
                            generate_serving_certificate = true
                        scheduler {
                            extra_args  = {
                                "address"   = ""
                                "profiling" = "false"
                            extra_binds = []
                            extra_env   = []
                    upgrade_strategy {
                        drain                        = false
                        max_unavailable_controlplane = "1"
                        max_unavailable_worker       = "10%"
      ~ template_revisions {
            annotations         = {}
            cluster_template_id = "cattle-global-data:ct-f86d2"
          ~ default             = true -> false
            enabled             = true
          ~ id                  = "cattle-global-data:ctr-qmh4p" -> (known after apply)
            labels              = {
                "io.cattle.field/clusterTemplateId" = "ct-f86d2"
          ~ name                = "v1.18.3-rancher2-5" -> "v1.18.9-rancher1-1"
          ~ cluster_config {
                default_pod_security_policy_template_id = "restricted"
                docker_root_dir                         = "/var/lib/docker"
                enable_cluster_alerting                 = false
                enable_cluster_monitoring               = false
                enable_network_policy                   = false
                windows_prefered_cluster                = false
              ~ rke_config {
                    addon_job_timeout     = 30
                    addons_include        = []
                    ignore_docker_version = true
                  ~ kubernetes_version    = "v1.18.3-rancher2-2" -> "v1.18.9-rancher1-1"
                    ssh_agent_auth        = false
                    ingress {
                        extra_args    = {
                            "tcp-services-configmap" = "$(POD_NAMESPACE)/tcp-services-custom"
                        node_selector = {}
                        options       = {
                            "http2-max-field-size"   = "16k"
                            "log-format-escape-json" = "true"
                            "log-format-upstream"    = "{\\\"time\\\": \\\"$time_iso8601\\\", \\\"remote_addr\\\": \\\"$proxy_protocol_addr\\\", \\\"x-forward-for\\\": \\\"$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for\\\", \\\"request_id\\\": \\\"$req_id\\\", \\\"remote_user\\\": \\\"$remote_user\\\", \\\"bytes_sent\\\": $bytes_sent, \\\"request_time\\\": $request_time, \\\"status\\\":$status, \\\"vhost\\\": \\\"$host\\\", \\\"request_proto\\\": \\\"$server_protocol\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"$uri\\\", \\\"request_query\\\": \\\"$args\\\", \\\"request_length\\\": $request_length, \\\"duration\\\": $request_time,\\\"method\\\": \\\"$request_method\\\", \\\"http_referrer\\\": \\\"$http_referer\\\", \\\"http_user_agent\\\": \\\"$http_user_agent\\\" }"
                            "proxy-body-size"        = "900m"
                        provider      = "nginx"
                    network {
                        mtu     = 0
                        options = {}
                        plugin  = "canal"
                  + private_registries {
                      + is_default = true
                      + password   = (sensitive value)
                      + url        = "docker.mydomain.custom"
                      + user       = (sensitive value)
                  ~ services {
                        etcd {
                            creation      = "12h"
                            external_urls = []
                            extra_args    = {
                                "client-cert-auth"      = "true"
                                "peer-client-cert-auth" = "true"
                            extra_binds   = []
                            extra_env     = []
                            gid           = 0
                            retention     = "72h"
                            snapshot      = false
                            uid           = 0
                        kube_api {
                            admission_configuration = {}
                            always_pull_images      = false
                            extra_args              = {}
                            extra_binds             = []
                            extra_env               = []
                            pod_security_policy     = true
                            service_node_port_range = "30000-32767"
                            audit_log {
                                enabled = true
                                configuration {
                                    format     = "json"
                                    max_age    = 30
                                    max_backup = 10
                                    max_size   = 100
                                    path       = "/var/log/kube-audit/audit-log.json"
                            event_rate_limit {
                                enabled = true
                            secrets_encryption_config {
                                enabled = true
                        kube_controller {
                            extra_args  = {
                                "address"                     = ""
                                "feature-gates"               = "RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"
                                "profiling"                   = "false"
                                "terminated-pod-gc-threshold" = "1000"
                            extra_binds = []
                            extra_env   = []
                      ~ kubelet {
                          ~ extra_args                   = {
                              + "eviction-hard"            = "memory.available
                              + "eviction-minimum-reclaim" = "memory.available=512Mi"
                                "feature-gates"            = "RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"
                              + "kube-reserved"            = "cpu=500m,memory=1512Mi"
                              + "system-reserved"          = "cpu=500m,memory=512Mi"
                            extra_binds                  = [
                            extra_env                    = []
                            fail_swap_on                 = false
                            generate_serving_certificate = true
                        scheduler {
                            extra_args  = {
                                "address"   = ""
                                "profiling" = "false"
                            extra_binds = []
                            extra_env   = []
                    upgrade_strategy {
                        drain                        = false
                        max_unavailable_controlplane = "1"
                        max_unavailable_worker       = "10%"

terrraform apply returns an error:

Error: [ERROR] Expanding cluster template revisions: name "" is repeated
  on ../../modules/rancher/rancher_config.tf line 16, in resource "rancher2_cluster_template" "default":
  16: resource "rancher2_cluster_template" "default" {

I don't know what's is the issue and where/how to debug it.

caiconkhicon commented 3 years ago

One more thing I noticed from the output of the plan: the replaced revisions are wrong. They should be 1.16.6 and 1.17.2, not 1.18.3-rancher-2-5 and 1.18.3-rancher-2-6 (plus 1.16.6 and 1.17.2 are said to be deleted, not replaced).

rawmind0 commented 3 years ago

@caiconkhicon , template revisions are tricky due to they are managed by a terraform list, what it means that it's dependant of the order. Provider is shifting the list to set proper order, but sometimes the plan showed is not showed in an accurated way, but executing it fine.

Anyway, it seems there is a bug in the provider removing more than one template revision at once. You are trying to remove 2 template revisions, isn't it?? If so, as workaround, could you please test if removing one, applying and removing the other one and applying is working fine??

In the meanwhile, we'll work on a fix for it.

caiconkhicon commented 3 years ago

@rawmind0 : thanks for your fast reply. I try it now and give you feedback soon.

caiconkhicon commented 3 years ago

@rawmind0 : I tested like you suggested, so I reverted the change with the revision 1.17.2. Now terraform apply succeeded, but after that I check on the Rancher UI and nothing has changed!? Do you have any idea?

terraform plan

  # module.rancher.rancher2_cluster_template.default will be updated in-place
  ~ resource "rancher2_cluster_template" "default" {
        annotations         = {}
        default_revision_id = "cattle-global-data:ctr-qmh4p"
        description         = "K8S cluster template with hardening configuration"
        id                  = "cattle-global-data:ct-f86d2"
        labels              = {
            "cattle.io/creator" = "norman"
        name                = "default"
        members {
            access_type = "owner"
      ~ template_revisions {
            annotations         = {}
            cluster_template_id = "cattle-global-data:ct-f86d2"
            default             = false
          - enabled             = true -> null
            id                  = "cattle-global-data:ctr-rs2mh"
            labels              = {
                "io.cattle.field/clusterTemplateId" = "ct-f86d2"
          - name                = "v.1.16.6-rancher1-2" -> null
          - cluster_config {
              - default_pod_security_policy_template_id = "restricted" -> null
              - docker_root_dir                         = "/var/lib/docker" -> null
              - enable_cluster_alerting                 = false -> null
              - enable_cluster_monitoring               = false -> null
              - enable_network_policy                   = false -> null
              - windows_prefered_cluster                = false -> null
              - rke_config {
                  - addon_job_timeout     = 30 -> null
                  - addons_include        = [] -> null
                  - ignore_docker_version = true -> null
                  - kubernetes_version    = "v1.18.3-rancher2-2" -> null
                  - ssh_agent_auth        = false -> null
                  - network {
                      - mtu     = 0 -> null
                      - options = {} -> null
                      - plugin  = "canal" -> null
                  - services {
                      - etcd {
                          - creation      = "12h" -> null
                          - external_urls = [] -> null
                          - extra_args    = {
                              - "client-cert-auth"      = "true"
                              - "peer-client-cert-auth" = "true"
                            } -> null
                          - extra_binds   = [] -> null
                          - extra_env     = [] -> null
                          - gid           = 0 -> null
                          - retention     = "72h" -> null
                          - snapshot      = false -> null
                          - uid           = 0 -> null
                      - kube_api {
                          - admission_configuration = {} -> null
                          - always_pull_images      = false -> null
                          - extra_args              = {} -> null
                          - extra_binds             = [] -> null
                          - extra_env               = [] -> null
                          - pod_security_policy     = true -> null
                          - service_node_port_range = "30000-32767" -> null
                          - audit_log {
                              - enabled = true -> null
                              - configuration {
                                  - format     = "json" -> null
                                  - max_age    = 30 -> null
                                  - max_backup = 10 -> null
                                  - max_size   = 100 -> null
                                  - path       = "/var/log/kube-audit/audit-log.json" -> null
                          - event_rate_limit {
                              - enabled = true -> null
                          - secrets_encryption_config {
                              - enabled = true -> null
                      - kube_controller {
                          - extra_args  = {
                              - "address"                     = ""
                              - "feature-gates"               = "RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"
                              - "profiling"                   = "false"
                              - "terminated-pod-gc-threshold" = "1000"
                            } -> null
                          - extra_binds = [] -> null
                          - extra_env   = [] -> null
                      - kubelet {
                          - extra_args                   = {
                              - "feature-gates"     = "RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"
                            } -> null
                          - extra_binds                  = [] -> null
                          - extra_env                    = [] -> null
                          - fail_swap_on                 = false -> null
                          - generate_serving_certificate = true -> null
                      - scheduler {
                          - extra_args  = {
                              - "address"   = ""
                              - "profiling" = "false"
                            } -> null
                          - extra_binds = [] -> null
                          - extra_env   = [] -> null
                  - upgrade_strategy {
                      - drain                        = false -> null
                      - max_unavailable_controlplane = "1" -> null
                      - max_unavailable_worker       = "10%" -> null
        template_revisions {
            annotations         = {}
            cluster_template_id = "cattle-global-data:ct-f86d2"
            default             = false
            enabled             = true
            id                  = "cattle-global-data:ctr-x5775"
            labels              = {
                "io.cattle.field/clusterTemplateId" = "ct-f86d2"
            name                = "v1.17.2-rancher1-2"
            cluster_config {
                default_pod_security_policy_template_id = "restricted"
                docker_root_dir                         = "/var/lib/docker"
                enable_cluster_alerting                 = false
                enable_cluster_monitoring               = false
                enable_network_policy                   = false
                windows_prefered_cluster                = false
                rke_config {
                    addon_job_timeout     = 30
                    addons_include        = []
                    ignore_docker_version = true
                    kubernetes_version    = "v1.17.2-rancher1-2"
                    ssh_agent_auth        = false
                    ingress {
                        extra_args    = {}
                        node_selector = {}
                        options       = {
                            "http2-max-field-size"   = "16k"
                            "log-format-escape-json" = "true"
                            "log-format-upstream"    = "{\\\"time\\\": \\\"$time_iso8601\\\", \\\"remote_addr\\\": \\\"$proxy_protocol_addr\\\", \\\"x-forward-for\\\": \\\"$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for\\\", \\\"request_id\\\": \\\"$req_id\\\", \\\"remote_user\\\": \\\"$remote_user\\\", \\\"bytes_sent\\\": $bytes_sent, \\\"request_time\\\": $request_time, \\\"status\\\":$status, \\\"vhost\\\": \\\"$host\\\", \\\"request_proto\\\": \\\"$server_protocol\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"$uri\\\", \\\"request_query\\\": \\\"$args\\\", \\\"request_length\\\": $request_length, \\\"duration\\\": $request_time,\\\"method\\\": \\\"$request_method\\\", \\\"http_referrer\\\": \\\"$http_referer\\\", \\\"http_user_agent\\\": \\\"$http_user_agent\\\" }"
                            "proxy-body-size"        = "900m"
                        provider      = "nginx"
                    network {
                        mtu     = 0
                        options = {}
                        plugin  = "canal"
                    services {
                        etcd {
                            creation      = "12h"
                            external_urls = []
                            extra_args    = {
                                "client-cert-auth"      = "true"
                                "peer-client-cert-auth" = "true"
                            extra_binds   = []
                            extra_env     = []
                            gid           = 0
                            retention     = "72h"
                            snapshot      = false
                            uid           = 0
                        kube_api {
                            admission_configuration = {}
                            always_pull_images      = false
                            extra_args              = {}
                            extra_binds             = []
                            extra_env               = []
                            pod_security_policy     = true
                            service_node_port_range = "30000-32767"
                            audit_log {
                                enabled = true
                                configuration {
                                    format     = "json"
                                    max_age    = 30
                                    max_backup = 10
                                    max_size   = 100
                                    path       = "/var/log/kube-audit/audit-log.json"
                            event_rate_limit {
                                enabled = true
                            secrets_encryption_config {
                                enabled = true
                        kube_controller {
                            extra_args  = {
                                "address"                     = ""
                                "feature-gates"               = "RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"
                                "profiling"                   = "false"
                                "terminated-pod-gc-threshold" = "1000"
                            extra_binds = []
                            extra_env   = []
                        kubelet {
                            extra_args                   = {
                                "feature-gates"     = "RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"
                            extra_binds                  = [
                            extra_env                    = []
                            fail_swap_on                 = false
                            generate_serving_certificate = true
                        scheduler {
                            extra_args  = {
                                "address"   = ""
                                "profiling" = "false"
                            extra_binds = []
                            extra_env   = []
                    upgrade_strategy {
                        drain                        = false
                        max_unavailable_controlplane = "1"
                        max_unavailable_worker       = "10%"
        template_revisions {
            annotations         = {}
            cluster_template_id = "cattle-global-data:ct-f86d2"
            default             = false
            enabled             = true
            id                  = "cattle-global-data:ctr-bqnfh"
            labels              = {
                "io.cattle.field/clusterTemplateId" = "ct-f86d2"
            name                = "v1.18.3-rancher2-2"
            cluster_config {
                default_pod_security_policy_template_id = "restricted"
                docker_root_dir                         = "/var/lib/docker"
                enable_cluster_alerting                 = false
                enable_cluster_monitoring               = false
                enable_network_policy                   = false
                windows_prefered_cluster                = false
                rke_config {
                    addon_job_timeout     = 30
                    addons_include        = []
                    ignore_docker_version = true
                    kubernetes_version    = "v1.18.3-rancher2-2"
                    ssh_agent_auth        = false
                    ingress {
                        extra_args    = {}
                        node_selector = {}
                        options       = {
                            "log-format-escape-json" = "true"
                            "log-format-upstream"    = "{\\\"time\\\": \\\"$time_iso8601\\\", \\\"remote_addr\\\": \\\"$proxy_protocol_addr\\\", \\\"x-forward-for\\\": \\\"$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for\\\", \\\"request_id\\\": \\\"$req_id\\\", \\\"remote_user\\\": \\\"$remote_user\\\", \\\"bytes_sent\\\": $bytes_sent, \\\"request_time\\\": $request_time, \\\"status\\\":$status, \\\"vhost\\\": \\\"$host\\\", \\\"request_proto\\\": \\\"$server_protocol\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"$uri\\\", \\\"request_query\\\": \\\"$args\\\", \\\"request_length\\\": $request_length, \\\"duration\\\": $request_time,\\\"method\\\": \\\"$request_method\\\", \\\"http_referrer\\\": \\\"$http_referer\\\", \\\"http_user_agent\\\": \\\"$http_user_agent\\\" }"
                            "proxy-body-size"        = "900m"
                        provider      = "nginx"
                    network {
                        mtu     = 0
                        options = {}
                        plugin  = "canal"
                    services {
                        etcd {
                            creation      = "12h"
                            external_urls = []
                            extra_args    = {
                                "client-cert-auth"      = "true"
                                "peer-client-cert-auth" = "true"
                            extra_binds   = []
                            extra_env     = []
                            gid           = 0
                            retention     = "72h"
                            snapshot      = false
                            uid           = 0
                        kube_api {
                            admission_configuration = {}
                            always_pull_images      = false
                            extra_args              = {}
                            extra_binds             = []
                            extra_env               = []
                            pod_security_policy     = true
                            service_node_port_range = "30000-32767"
                            audit_log {
                                enabled = true
                                configuration {
                                    format     = "json"
                                    max_age    = 30
                                    max_backup = 10
                                    max_size   = 100
                                    path       = "/var/log/kube-audit/audit-log.json"
                            event_rate_limit {
                                enabled = true
                            secrets_encryption_config {
                                enabled = true
                        kube_controller {
                            extra_args  = {
                                "address"                     = ""
                                "feature-gates"               = "RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"
                                "profiling"                   = "false"
                                "terminated-pod-gc-threshold" = "1000"
                            extra_binds = []
                            extra_env   = []
                        kubelet {
                            extra_args                   = {
                                "feature-gates"     = "RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"
                            extra_binds                  = [
                            extra_env                    = []
                            fail_swap_on                 = false
                            generate_serving_certificate = true
                        scheduler {
                            extra_args  = {
                                "address"   = ""
                                "profiling" = "false"
                            extra_binds = []
                            extra_env   = []
                    upgrade_strategy {
                        drain                        = false
                        max_unavailable_controlplane = "1"
                        max_unavailable_worker       = "10%"
        template_revisions {
            annotations         = {}
            cluster_template_id = "cattle-global-data:ct-f86d2"
            default             = false
            enabled             = true
            id                  = "cattle-global-data:ctr-b52fp"
            labels              = {
                "io.cattle.field/clusterTemplateId" = "ct-f86d2"
            name                = "v1.18.3-rancher2-3"
            cluster_config {
                default_pod_security_policy_template_id = "restricted"
                docker_root_dir                         = "/var/lib/docker"
                enable_cluster_alerting                 = false
                enable_cluster_monitoring               = false
                enable_network_policy                   = false
                windows_prefered_cluster                = false
                rke_config {
                    addon_job_timeout     = 30
                    addons_include        = []
                    ignore_docker_version = true
                    kubernetes_version    = "v1.18.3-rancher2-2"
                    ssh_agent_auth        = false
                    ingress {
                        extra_args    = {}
                        node_selector = {}
                        options       = {
                            "http2-max-field-size"   = "16k"
                            "log-format-escape-json" = "true"
                            "log-format-upstream"    = "{\\\"time\\\": \\\"$time_iso8601\\\", \\\"remote_addr\\\": \\\"$proxy_protocol_addr\\\", \\\"x-forward-for\\\": \\\"$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for\\\", \\\"request_id\\\": \\\"$req_id\\\", \\\"remote_user\\\": \\\"$remote_user\\\", \\\"bytes_sent\\\": $bytes_sent, \\\"request_time\\\": $request_time, \\\"status\\\":$status, \\\"vhost\\\": \\\"$host\\\", \\\"request_proto\\\": \\\"$server_protocol\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"$uri\\\", \\\"request_query\\\": \\\"$args\\\", \\\"request_length\\\": $request_length, \\\"duration\\\": $request_time,\\\"method\\\": \\\"$request_method\\\", \\\"http_referrer\\\": \\\"$http_referer\\\", \\\"http_user_agent\\\": \\\"$http_user_agent\\\" }"
                            "proxy-body-size"        = "900m"
                        provider      = "nginx"
                    network {
                        mtu     = 0
                        options = {}
                        plugin  = "canal"
                    services {
                        etcd {
                            creation      = "12h"
                            external_urls = []
                            extra_args    = {
                                "client-cert-auth"      = "true"
                                "peer-client-cert-auth" = "true"
                            extra_binds   = []
                            extra_env     = []
                            gid           = 0
                            retention     = "72h"
                            snapshot      = false
                            uid           = 0
                        kube_api {
                            admission_configuration = {}
                            always_pull_images      = false
                            extra_args              = {}
                            extra_binds             = []
                            extra_env               = []
                            pod_security_policy     = true
                            service_node_port_range = "30000-32767"
                            audit_log {
                                enabled = true
                                configuration {
                                    format     = "json"
                                    max_age    = 30
                                    max_backup = 10
                                    max_size   = 100
                                    path       = "/var/log/kube-audit/audit-log.json"
                            event_rate_limit {
                                enabled = true
                            secrets_encryption_config {
                                enabled = true
                        kube_controller {
                            extra_args  = {
                                "address"                     = ""
                                "feature-gates"               = "RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"
                                "profiling"                   = "false"
                                "terminated-pod-gc-threshold" = "1000"
                            extra_binds = []
                            extra_env   = []
                        kubelet {
                            extra_args                   = {
                                "feature-gates"     = "RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"
                            extra_binds                  = [
                            extra_env                    = []
                            fail_swap_on                 = false
                            generate_serving_certificate = true
                        scheduler {
                            extra_args  = {
                                "address"   = ""
                                "profiling" = "false"
                            extra_binds = []
                            extra_env   = []
                    upgrade_strategy {
                        drain                        = false
                        max_unavailable_controlplane = "1"
                        max_unavailable_worker       = "10%"
        template_revisions {
            annotations         = {}
            cluster_template_id = "cattle-global-data:ct-f86d2"
            default             = false
            enabled             = true
            id                  = "cattle-global-data:ctr-bvrgd"
            labels              = {
                "io.cattle.field/clusterTemplateId" = "ct-f86d2"
            name                = "v1.18.3-rancher2-4"
            cluster_config {
                default_pod_security_policy_template_id = "restricted"
                docker_root_dir                         = "/var/lib/docker"
                enable_cluster_alerting                 = false
                enable_cluster_monitoring               = false
                enable_network_policy                   = false
                windows_prefered_cluster                = false
                rke_config {
                    addon_job_timeout     = 30
                    addons_include        = []
                    ignore_docker_version = true
                    kubernetes_version    = "v1.18.3-rancher2-2"
                    ssh_agent_auth        = false
                    ingress {
                        extra_args    = {
                            "tcp-services-configmap" = "$(POD_NAMESPACE)/tcp-services-custom"
                        node_selector = {}
                        options       = {
                            "http2-max-field-size"   = "16k"
                            "log-format-escape-json" = "true"
                            "log-format-upstream"    = "{\\\"time\\\": \\\"$time_iso8601\\\", \\\"remote_addr\\\": \\\"$proxy_protocol_addr\\\", \\\"x-forward-for\\\": \\\"$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for\\\", \\\"request_id\\\": \\\"$req_id\\\", \\\"remote_user\\\": \\\"$remote_user\\\", \\\"bytes_sent\\\": $bytes_sent, \\\"request_time\\\": $request_time, \\\"status\\\":$status, \\\"vhost\\\": \\\"$host\\\", \\\"request_proto\\\": \\\"$server_protocol\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"$uri\\\", \\\"request_query\\\": \\\"$args\\\", \\\"request_length\\\": $request_length, \\\"duration\\\": $request_time,\\\"method\\\": \\\"$request_method\\\", \\\"http_referrer\\\": \\\"$http_referer\\\", \\\"http_user_agent\\\": \\\"$http_user_agent\\\" }"
                            "proxy-body-size"        = "900m"
                        provider      = "nginx"
                    network {
                        mtu     = 0
                        options = {}
                        plugin  = "canal"
                    services {
                        etcd {
                            creation      = "12h"
                            external_urls = []
                            extra_args    = {
                                "client-cert-auth"      = "true"
                                "peer-client-cert-auth" = "true"
                            extra_binds   = []
                            extra_env     = []
                            gid           = 0
                            retention     = "72h"
                            snapshot      = false
                            uid           = 0
                        kube_api {
                            admission_configuration = {}
                            always_pull_images      = false
                            extra_args              = {}
                            extra_binds             = []
                            extra_env               = []
                            pod_security_policy     = true
                            service_node_port_range = "30000-32767"
                            audit_log {
                                enabled = true
                                configuration {
                                    format     = "json"
                                    max_age    = 30
                                    max_backup = 10
                                    max_size   = 100
                                    path       = "/var/log/kube-audit/audit-log.json"
                            event_rate_limit {
                                enabled = true
                            secrets_encryption_config {
                                enabled = true
                        kube_controller {
                            extra_args  = {
                                "address"                     = ""
                                "feature-gates"               = "RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"
                                "profiling"                   = "false"
                                "terminated-pod-gc-threshold" = "1000"
                            extra_binds = []
                            extra_env   = []
                        kubelet {
                            extra_args                   = {
                                "feature-gates"     = "RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"
                            extra_binds                  = [
                            extra_env                    = []
                            fail_swap_on                 = false
                            generate_serving_certificate = true
                        scheduler {
                            extra_args  = {
                                "address"   = ""
                                "profiling" = "false"
                            extra_binds = []
                            extra_env   = []
                    upgrade_strategy {
                        drain                        = false
                        max_unavailable_controlplane = "1"
                        max_unavailable_worker       = "10%"
      ~ template_revisions {
            annotations         = {}
            cluster_template_id = "cattle-global-data:ct-f86d2"
            default             = true
            enabled             = true
          ~ id                  = "cattle-global-data:ctr-qmh4p" -> (known after apply)
            labels              = {
                "io.cattle.field/clusterTemplateId" = "ct-f86d2"
          ~ name                = "v1.18.3-rancher2-5" -> "v1.18.3-rancher2-6"
          ~ cluster_config {
                default_pod_security_policy_template_id = "restricted"
                docker_root_dir                         = "/var/lib/docker"
                enable_cluster_alerting                 = false
                enable_cluster_monitoring               = false
                enable_network_policy                   = false
                windows_prefered_cluster                = false
              ~ rke_config {
                    addon_job_timeout     = 30
                    addons_include        = []
                    ignore_docker_version = true
                  ~ kubernetes_version    = "v1.18.3-rancher2-2" -> "v1.18.9-rancher1-1"
                    ssh_agent_auth        = false
                    ingress {
                        extra_args    = {
                            "tcp-services-configmap" = "$(POD_NAMESPACE)/tcp-services-custom"
                        node_selector = {}
                        options       = {
                            "http2-max-field-size"   = "16k"
                            "log-format-escape-json" = "true"
                            "log-format-upstream"    = "{\\\"time\\\": \\\"$time_iso8601\\\", \\\"remote_addr\\\": \\\"$proxy_protocol_addr\\\", \\\"x-forward-for\\\": \\\"$proxy_add_x_forwarded_for\\\", \\\"request_id\\\": \\\"$req_id\\\", \\\"remote_user\\\": \\\"$remote_user\\\", \\\"bytes_sent\\\": $bytes_sent, \\\"request_time\\\": $request_time, \\\"status\\\":$status, \\\"vhost\\\": \\\"$host\\\", \\\"request_proto\\\": \\\"$server_protocol\\\", \\\"path\\\": \\\"$uri\\\", \\\"request_query\\\": \\\"$args\\\", \\\"request_length\\\": $request_length, \\\"duration\\\": $request_time,\\\"method\\\": \\\"$request_method\\\", \\\"http_referrer\\\": \\\"$http_referer\\\", \\\"http_user_agent\\\": \\\"$http_user_agent\\\" }"
                            "proxy-body-size"        = "900m"
                        provider      = "nginx"
                    network {
                        mtu     = 0
                        options = {}
                        plugin  = "canal"
                  ~ services {
                        etcd {
                            creation      = "12h"
                            external_urls = []
                            extra_args    = {
                                "client-cert-auth"      = "true"
                                "peer-client-cert-auth" = "true"
                            extra_binds   = []
                            extra_env     = []
                            gid           = 0
                            retention     = "72h"
                            snapshot      = false
                            uid           = 0
                        kube_api {
                            admission_configuration = {}
                            always_pull_images      = false
                            extra_args              = {}
                            extra_binds             = []
                            extra_env               = []
                            pod_security_policy     = true
                            service_node_port_range = "30000-32767"
                            audit_log {
                                enabled = true
                                configuration {
                                    format     = "json"
                                    max_age    = 30
                                    max_backup = 10
                                    max_size   = 100
                                    path       = "/var/log/kube-audit/audit-log.json"
                            event_rate_limit {
                                enabled = true
                            secrets_encryption_config {
                                enabled = true
                        kube_controller {
                            extra_args  = {
                                "address"                     = ""
                                "feature-gates"               = "RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"
                                "profiling"                   = "false"
                                "terminated-pod-gc-threshold" = "1000"
                            extra_binds = []
                            extra_env   = []
                      ~ kubelet {
                          ~ extra_args                   = {
                              + "eviction-hard"            = "memory.available
                              + "eviction-minimum-reclaim" = "memory.available=512Mi"
                                "feature-gates"            = "RotateKubeletServerCertificate=true"
                              + "kube-reserved"            = "cpu=500m,memory=1512Mi"
                              + "system-reserved"          = "cpu=500m,memory=512Mi"
                            extra_binds                  = [
                            extra_env                    = []
                            fail_swap_on                 = false
                            generate_serving_certificate = true
                        scheduler {
                            extra_args  = {
                                "address"   = ""
                                "profiling" = "false"
                            extra_binds = []
                            extra_env   = []
                    upgrade_strategy {
                        drain                        = false
                        max_unavailable_controlplane = "1"
                        max_unavailable_worker       = "10%"

terraform apply

module.rancher.rancher2_cluster_template.default: Modifying... [id=cattle-global-data:ct-f86d2]
module.rancher.rancher2_cluster_template.default: Modifications complete after 2s [id=cattle-global-data:ct-f86d2]