rand256 / valetudo

Valetudo RE - experimental vacuum software, cloud free
Apache License 2.0
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After reload a presaved map, all saved time cleaning is deleted #344

Closed truresma closed 3 years ago

truresma commented 3 years ago


when i try to reload a presaved map, all my saved time cleaning is deleted. i´m on v.9.9 with my S50. Is that normal/- is there a workound?


rand256 commented 3 years ago

All zones, goto targets and timers are kinda "tied" to the map, since in most cases when you load i.e. a map for a second floor you don't want to see there zones and timers that were defined on the first floor. So when you create a new zone or a timer, you need to re-save (overwrite) the map not to lose that settings upon reloading it.

If it's not the case, then please check that the map you're loading actually has a configuration file at /mnt/data/valetudo/maps/<your_map_name>/valetudo.json which includes your timers and zones, and we'll try to figure out why it's load loading for you.

truresma commented 3 years ago

it`s the same map/floor and i saved the map with the saved time cleaning zones.

in the valetudo.json the following is written:

{"zones":[],"spots":[],"ztimers":[],"timers":[[true,"Komplettreinigung","0 14 * * 2,4,6","",1,104],[true,"Küchenreinigung","0 14 * * 0,1,3,5","18",2,104]]}

but when i reload that map, all timers are going.

rand256 commented 3 years ago

Well, I suppose I've found the cause for this issue. Could you try replacing valetudo binary in your device with this test build and try again please?

truresma commented 3 years ago

i don't know how to do this ^^

i have done a update everytime through the web interface with the normal zip link, and the md5 hash

rand256 commented 3 years ago

Please see this wiki article then.

truresma commented 3 years ago

ok thanks, i have done it and it works now. thanks a lot.

truresma commented 3 years ago

Now the power level is not saving.

It is every time at balanced.