randdusing / cordova-plugin-bluetoothle

Bluetooth Low Energy Phonegap Plugin
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bluetoothle.reconnect question #381

Open Aaronwong94 opened 7 years ago

Aaronwong94 commented 7 years ago

I want to use the reconnect function, where should I put the reconnect function? I had tried to put it in the bluetoothle.initialize successful callback, but it return an error "Never connected to device". I think it is because i hard code the reconnect "address" in params. my code: bluetoothle.reconnect(function reconnectSuccess() { myApp.alert("Reconnect Success!"); }, function writeError(err) { myApp.alert("Error:" + err.code + "" + err.message) }, { "address": "E0:76:D0:37:4D:7C" }), setTimeout(function () { bluetoothle.close(closeSuccess, closeError, { "address": "E0:76:D0:37:4D:7C" }) }, 10000); what is the proper sequence for reconnect function? I was new in app develop. Thx for Help

estvmachine commented 7 years ago

Always try with isConnected first, then connect, if fails reconnects.

Its just paired, then you need reconnect, using connect in this case fails.

These are some use of reconnectf i have found.

Aaronwong94 commented 7 years ago

What If I want it to :

  1. scan 2.. connect to device,
  2. when the bluetooth device too far from the mobile and disconnected. 4.when I get into the range of the device and it would perform auto reconnect. Is that possible for using the bluetoothle.reconnect? or set the bluetoothle.connect({params}] to "autoConnect" : true will do?
estvmachine commented 7 years ago

Oh the truth i dont try with the param autoConnect, let me test and tell you.

randdusing commented 7 years ago

I recommend just using connect() and never reconnect(). If the device disconnects or there's some other type of unrecoverable error, call close() and then start the connect process over via connect(). And autoConnect: true should work for what you're trying to do.

phatpaul commented 3 years ago

I'm struggling to understand the central connection life-cycle. I'm coming from the old and dead Evothings plugin, which was just simply connected or disconnected. Since I switched to this plugin, I notice the connection behavior is much more advanced.

For example, If I'm connected to my BLE peripheral, but go out of range (or power-cycle my peripheral) and return, then I can no longer discover my peripheral. From the peripheral's log output, I see that my central did actually reconnect, but my App's logic doesn't know that or initiate it. I'm guessing I need to keep looking for the original onConnect callback?

Can you explain the difference between isConnected and wasConnected and when/why to use each?

My goal is to have auto-reconnect working as the OP described. I also want to support paring in the future, but will need to support my legacy devices that don't support paring as well.

I would also like to auto-connect to the last connected peripheral if my app is closed and reopened. In that case the callbacks are no longer registered, so I'm guessing I need to store some state at the app level?

Is there a good example or write-up of achieving this?