We used a combination of
a) Docker attachable Overlay Network for swarm
b) docker stack deploy for psql and ambari-server
c) docker-compose for running individual nodes
Used this approach as privileged for nodes is not supported for docker swarm services
But we can create an overlay attachable network and run the containers into the swarm network
All containers are discoverable by hostname by using this approach
$ HDP Swarm using stack deploy and docker-compose using external overlay network
I was able to bring this up in two node cluster using Swarm 1.13. Just wanted to share how it was done for all
First create a swarm by
docker swarm init --advertise-addr
And then use the command provided to join the other hosts
git clone https://github.com/sarath-mec/smks-docker-hdp.git
We used a combination of a) Docker attachable Overlay Network for swarm b) docker stack deploy for psql and ambari-server c) docker-compose for running individual nodes
Used this approach as privileged for nodes is not supported for docker swarm services But we can create an overlay attachable network and run the containers into the swarm network
All containers are discoverable by hostname by using this approach
$ HDP Swarm using stack deploy and docker-compose using external overlay network
both manager and worker hosts to pull images
docker pull sarath4mec/node docker pull sarath4mec/ambari-server docker pull sarath4mec/postgres
create volume directories in both nodes
sudo su cd /home/sarath_mec rm -rd hdfs rm -rd postgresql mkdir hdfs mkdir postgresql mkdir hdfs/dn0 mkdir hdfs/dn1 mkdir postgresql/data chmod 777 hdfs chmod 777 hdfs/dn0 chmod 777 hdfs/dn1 chmod 777 postgresql/data cd smks-docker-hdp
create network
docker network create -d overlay --subnet --attachable hdfs
stack deploy postgres and ambari in both manager and worker host
docker stack deploy --compose-file examples/compose/swarm-psql-ambari-container.yml hdfs
inspect docker network from both nodes
docker network inspect hdfs
see the network and virtual ip assigned from manager node
docker service inspect --format='{{json .Endpoint.VirtualIPs}}' hdfs_postgres docker service inspect --format='{{json .Endpoint.VirtualIPs}}' hdfs_ambari-server
stack deploy individually psql and ambari
docker stack deploy --compose-file examples/compose/swarm-psql-container.yml hdfs docker stack deploy --compose-file examples/compose/swarm-ambari-container.yml hdfs
docker-compose and bring up dn0.dev in swarm manager host
docker-compose -f examples/compose/swarm-dn0-container.yml up -d
docker-compose and bring up dn0.dev in swarm worker worker host
docker-compose -f examples/compose/swarm-dn1-container.yml up -d
docker-compose and bring up dn0.dev in swarm manager host
docker-compose -f examples/compose/swarm-dn0-container-resume.yml up -d
docker-compose and bring up dn0.dev in swarm worker worker host
docker-compose -f examples/compose/swarm-dn1-container-resume.yml up -d
Clear everything
docker stack rm hdfs
manager host
docker stop compose_dn0_1 docker rm compose_dn0_1
worker host
docker stop compose_dn1_1 docker rm compose_dn1_1
docker network rm hdfs
Thanks, Sarath