Implement an OpenGL wrapper library like glutin or gfx-rs that simplifies working with OpenGL and makes doing so safer and more performant. This work has been started on the render_reform branch.
This specific task is for re-implementing the basic set of features that have been built in polygon:
[x] Create vertex and index buffers and safely fill them with data.
[x] Specify vertex attributes on the vertex buffer.
[x] Draw arrays using a vertex buffer or draw elements with a vertex and index buffer.
[x] Use a safe wrapper to specify various optional configuration values when drawing.
[x] Safely create shaders from source strings and link them into program objects.
[x] Connect shader variables to vertex buffer attributes.
[x] Set values for shader uniforms.
Implementing texture support is not part of this task because it was not fully implemented previously.
Implement an OpenGL wrapper library like glutin or gfx-rs that simplifies working with OpenGL and makes doing so safer and more performant. This work has been started on the
branch.This specific task is for re-implementing the basic set of features that have been built in polygon:
Implementing texture support is not part of this task because it was not fully implemented previously.