randombit / botan

Cryptography Toolkit
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Fix artifact of applying clang-format #4306

Closed randombit closed 3 months ago

randombit commented 3 months ago

Reformating with clang-format caused lines like

if(predicate) // this is sometimes true foo();

to be changed into

if(predicate) // this is sometimes true { foo(); }

which isn't quite what matching what we'd like. Move the comment either up above the if or down into the block, so that the braces match our normal convension.

coveralls commented 3 months ago

Coverage Status

coverage: 91.279% (-0.002%) from 91.281% when pulling 07dae92968d9d856b4371309982d362c91d717f1 on jack/fix-comment-vs-brace into 244c0cb35c7efd75bd994bea6749d0fac6245a01 on master.