randomcolour / randomcolourr

An R package generating random colour examples across R functionality.
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create pkgdown docs #31

Closed mattmalin closed 4 years ago

mattmalin commented 5 years ago

(host generated docs through github pages, either as subdir in root or on separate gh-pages)

mattmalin commented 5 years ago

want to also ensure this is in docs directory and point github pages for repo at this directory

jn8 commented 5 years ago

github page settings appear to be unavailable for our repo?

mattmalin commented 5 years ago

github page settings appear to be unavailable for our repo? I think just because of ownership settings of the organisation didn't include you - the settings are there and I can change them.

The documentation branch needs starting again without the additional junk files but let's also do this before CRAN release :)

jn8 commented 5 years ago

Let me know once you've updated ownership and I'll try again.

I'll get rid of the test doc files and re-generate docs with package down

mattmalin commented 5 years ago

it'll be set up eventually for the directory on master branch anyway, so we can change later once documentation overall looks good :)

mattmalin commented 4 years ago

Close with #33