randomcolour / randomcolourr

An R package generating random colour examples across R functionality.
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Fix CRAN incoming feasibility checks in DESCRIPTION #36

Open mattmalin opened 4 years ago

mattmalin commented 4 years ago

Currently giving NOTE:

Authors@R field should be a call to person(), or combine such calls.

  The Title field should be in title case. Current version is:
  'Random colour generation and presentation'
  In title case that is:
  'Random Colour Generation and Presentation'

Want to fix these, and also make sure these checks are in our usual check options.

jn8 commented 4 years ago

Title case added.

Authors@R already seems to be using valid person objects as.person(c( "Matt Malin matt@randomcolour.com [aut, cre]", "Jonathan Ng jonathan@datastrategywithjonathan.com [aut]" ))

Alternative c( person("Matt", "Malin", email = "matt@randomcolour.com", role = c("aut","cre")), person("Jonathan", "Ng", email = "jonathan@datastrategywithjonathan.com", role = "aut"))

mattmalin commented 4 years ago

Suggest changing to the alternative (just to not trigger the auto check!).

There's also been a question about the benefit of the package over standard one liners to generate random colours :)