randomizedheap / CR_Attack

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Need generalization #2

Open arashakb opened 1 month ago

arashakb commented 1 month ago

I believe many enhancements are required for this implementation to be used and tested by researchers. I did put a lot of effort in order to just understand how to get the perturbed pictures that your attack model generates. Moreover, There isn't any explanation on how to use other models aside from PSPNet or how to train the models on other datasets (aside from COCO, VOC, and ADE20k).

Since you merely wrote this to show results regarding your paper, it doesn't do any good for the community to test it publicly with various settings.

quwenjie commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your interest and the trouble my code caused. Unfortunately I have lost access to the full repo with models and datasets contained, and quite long time has passed, it maybe quite hard to update this repo. If want to use more models to test attacks, you can modify the parameters in configvoc_psp.json . To download PSANet, you can go to their official google drive similarly https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FoHyOprkmiktKWwKOTWsq-lu4DmVSJop For HRnet I think you can find from their official place to download.

quwenjie commented 1 month ago

Also if you would like to add some PRs to make the code more usable, I would be glad to approve.