randomsync / robotframework-mqttlibrary

MQTT Keyword Library for Robot Framework
Apache License 2.0
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Added new SSL connection keyword #1

Closed jordanlaforge closed 5 years ago

jordanlaforge commented 9 years ago

Added a new SSL connection keyword that requires a username, password and cert file

jordanlaforge commented 9 years ago

Cool thanks for the feedback.

I removed my changes from the Connect keyword, forgot I left them in.

I added a Set TLS and Set Username and Password keyword that modify a given MQTT client and return it which can be called with SSL Connect later.

I also modified the Set TLS to allow for full customization like tls_set.

I am still working on getting it to build, I thought it would be able to find the .crt file but I guess it builds from a different directory. I will try to link to it remotely.

randomsync commented 9 years ago

I added some comments on the individual changes that need to be made. As I mentioned in those, please make sure to add tests to publish/subscribe with the secure connect functionality that you're adding.

Also, please remove all trailing whitespace. If you do a git diff master (assuming you branched off of master to make your changes), it should show you all the trailing whitespace.

jordanlaforge commented 9 years ago

Interesting, running the tests locally works for me. The only issues I had were pub sub which has

Publish a non-empty message                                           | PASS
Publish an empty message                                              | PASS
Publish a message with QOS 1 and validate that the message is rece... | PASS
Publish multiple messages and confirm that validation succeeds onl... | FAIL
The expected payload didn't arrive in the topic
Publish an empty message with QOS 1 and validate                      | PASS
Publish and validate with regular expression                          | PASS
Subscribe for the first time and validate that no messages are rec... | PASS
Subscribe, publish 1 message and validate it is received              | PASS
Subscribe with no limit, publish multiple messages and validate th... | FAIL
Length of '['test message3']' should be 3 but is 1.
Subscribe with limit                                                  | FAIL
test message3 != test message1
Unsubscribe and validate no messages are received                     | PASS
Pubsub                                                                | FAIL
11 critical tests, 8 passed, 3 failed
11 tests total, 8 passed, 3 failed

which looked to be an issue with the server. I will keep looking into it

randomsync commented 9 years ago

@laforge38 Thanks for fixing the tests. I have added some more feedback to the changes. And in addition, 2 more comments:

  1. Please add tests to publish/subscribe with the secure connect tests to make sure it works fine.
  2. Please remove all trailing whitespace
jordanlaforge commented 9 years ago

I am having trouble getting the subpub tests to pass with a SSL connection to mosquitto. I will update what I have with the other changes and keep looking into the subpub tests. Let me know if you know what is wrong, thanks!

randomsync commented 9 years ago

Before I could get to the error in sslpubsub tests, I noticed something in the sslconnect tests. You are using the Publish Single keyword, but that keyword doesn't make use of the global _mqttc client. So essentially the Set TLS keyword doesn't change the behavior of this function and all arguments have to be provided as part of this keyword itself. See: https://www.eclipse.org/paho/clients/python/docs/#single for more info on the underlying function that keyword uses.

So you would use that keyword with TLS like this:

| Publish a single message and disconnect
| | ${tls}      | Create Dictionary | ca_certs      | ${certFile}
| | ...                             | tls_version   | ${3}
| | ${time}     | Get Time      | epoch
| | ${message}  | Catenate      | test message      | ${time}
| | Publish Single              | topic=${topic}   | payload=${message}
| | ...         | hostname=${broker.uri} | port=${8883} | tls=${tls}

Notice the _tlsversion that has to be set. This maybe a bug with the paho library that if tls_version is not set, it sets it to None: http://git.eclipse.org/c/paho/org.eclipse.paho.mqtt.python.git/tree/src/paho/mqtt/publish.py#n159. I'll investigate more on this.

Meanwhile, can you update the 2 publish tests in sslconnect? You can also move them to the 'publish' test file, as they test the same keywords/functionality.

randomsync commented 9 years ago

For the failed tests in sslpubsub, I noticed that the messages are received in publish step and if you subscribe without tls options on port 1883, it works. Hopefully that helps in further debugging.

itsanjan commented 6 years ago

Any plans to sort the issue out ? Pub / Sub using TLS 1.2 on 8883 port is failing

ThePersistentTester commented 5 years ago

Is this library being supported/ fixed by the developer? Will it be supported by python 3.x ?

randomsync commented 5 years ago

This library is supported on python 3.x thanks to contribution in https://github.com/randomsync/robotframework-mqttlibrary/pull/13. This particular issue however hasn't received any updates, but TLS support is available using publish_single keyword: https://github.com/randomsync/robotframework-mqttlibrary/blob/0450e4c75a5c036e7831a8a50f692e17fdff89a2/src/MQTTLibrary/MQTTKeywords.py#L325