randy3k / RemoteSubl

Use rmate with Sublime Text, an improved fork of rsub.
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Connection refused on Server side #25

Closed 1reverseengineer closed 3 years ago

1reverseengineer commented 3 years ago

Used rsuble/mate before and it worked though that was many months ago. When I used it nowadays I get the error:

/usr/local/bin/rsubl: connect: Connection refused
/usr/local/bin/rsubl: line 412: /dev/tcp/localhost/52698: Connection refused
Unable to connect to TextMate on localhost:52698

I allowed port 52698 in ufw (sudo ufw allow 52698). Rmate rsubl whatever its called is installed in Sublime on windows and running. Important to note, I am running bitdefender on windows which has a nice firewall though I can't see it interfering. Changed the SSH port to a custom one so I connect to the debian vps like this: ssh -R 52698:localhost:52698 USER@IPADDRESS -pCUSTOMPORTNUMBER

What am I missing? I am running windows 10, vps: debian 9.4. I looked through some issues here on github and couldn't fix it. Tried the Python version and couldn't fix it. netstat -tnl |grep 52698 returns nothing even with root. EDIT: I shall add, that following the README.md Putty guide also doesn't work (same error with connection refused). EDIT EDIT: Just tried it all on a VM and it works, seems like the issue is with windows.

randy3k commented 3 years ago

I don't have any experiences with putty on Windows but I quite sure that it works according to some user reports.

1reverseengineer commented 3 years ago

@randy3k Hey thanks for replying to this issue. I tried it with both cmd and putty. Same result. As noted in the edit edit, it works inside of a vm which is the decisive indication that this is an issue with some windows setting or bitdefender though I can't see any reason how bitdefender could intervene.

1reverseengineer commented 3 years ago

Resolved, as mentioned above, this is a windows/my machine specific problem, rsubl works perfectly everywhere else. Thanks @randy3k for making this awesome imho must-have utility and your work.