randy3k / SendCode

Send code and text to macOS and Linux Terminals, iTerm, ConEmu, Cmder, Tmux, Terminus; R (RStudio), Julia, IPython.
MIT License
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sending code to R suddenly stopped working yesterday #114

Closed emilBeBri closed 5 years ago

emilBeBri commented 5 years ago


The combination of Sublime Text 3 and a tmux session has been working smoothly for a long time - yesterday though, suddenly sending code to tmux starting malfunctioning. I can ctrl+ENTER, but either:

1) the command is not send to tmux (most frequent) 2) the command is sent, but with a very long delay (more than 10 seconds)

I have not changed anything on my computer, so it must be an update error?

Running Lubuntu 18.10 with R 3.5.1.

randy3k commented 5 years ago

There is also no update recently, not sure the cause.

emilBeBri commented 5 years ago

Strange. When I try to switch to Rstudio or terminus, it's the same.

emilBeBri commented 5 years ago

Could it be the rlanguageserver instead? or the R-IDE?

randy3k commented 5 years ago

They should not cause any delays in SendCode. I assume that you have tried restarting the editor or your computer.

randy3k commented 5 years ago

One possibility is that one of your packages is blocking the worker thread frequently.

emilBeBri commented 5 years ago

Oh damn do I feel foolish, I installed the package "color gutter" yesterday that displays color of HEX-values in the gutter. Removing that removed the problem. Sorry for the inconvience.

randy3k commented 5 years ago
