randy3k / SendCode

Send code and text to macOS and Linux Terminals, iTerm, ConEmu, Cmder, Tmux, Terminus; R (RStudio), Julia, IPython.
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can't send code to RStudio #129

Closed eteitelbaum closed 4 years ago

eteitelbaum commented 4 years ago

Hi Randy,

I have used R-IDE and SendCode to write and knit R Markdown files on my PC running Windows 10 , but now I can't get it to work. Not sure if it is an R-IDE issue or a SendCode issue or what. I tried reinstalling both packages and have selected RStudio Desktop in the command palette as the program for SendCode. I am trying to use ctrl + b to knit the file. I have tried knitting a number of files that have worked in the recent past. I am not a programmer so I am hoping it is not something really dumb. Here is the error code I get in the console:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\sublimeplugin.py", line 884, in setup items = self.list_items() File "C:\Users\emman\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\R-IDE\ride\buildsys\exec.py", line 80, in list_items "cat(.packages(all.available = TRUE), sep='\n')").strip().split("\n") File "C:\Users\emman\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\R-IDE\ride\r.py", line 53, in R "Failed to execute RScript with the following output:\n\n{}".format(stderr)) Exception: Failed to execute RScript with the following output:

Error: unexpected end of input Execution halted


--Manny T

randy3k commented 4 years ago

What happened if you run cat(.packages(all.available = TRUE), sep='\n') in R?

eteitelbaum commented 4 years ago

You mean in RStudio? I get a list of packages. Is there one in particular that I am looking for? languageserver is there...

randy3k commented 4 years ago

O, I guess I figured out the reason. By the way, the bug is not related to SendCode but R-IDE. You should have no issue in sending code.

eteitelbaum commented 4 years ago

OK so I reinstalled R-IDE and still can't get Sublime Text to send the code to RStudio. Now, if I hit ctrl+b I just get the R-IDE: Exec field (but no error in the console).

I am still able to edit my code using R-IDE in Sublime, save it and then knit it in RStudio. I just can't send it directly from Sublime to RStudio.

Also, I am not sure whether this matters, but in the R-IDE dropdown, only Exec is available to select. All of the other options, including "Render R Markdown" and "Knit Rnw" are greyed out. I seem to remember these being available earlier, although I always used the keyboard shortcuts and not the drop down menu to send the code to RStudio.

Thanks for your help.

randy3k commented 4 years ago

Did you apply R Markdown syntax to the file? You will need to press ctrl+shift+b to pick up the correct build system if there are multiple.

eteitelbaum commented 4 years ago

Thanks, Randy. Yes the file is RMarkdown syntax. When I hit ctrl+shift+b I get a field that opens up at the top which says R-IDE: Exec and then if I click in that nothing happens.

I had it working fine and sending code directly before. I am not sure what changed. Maybe I just need to reinstall everything. For now, I suppose I can just use R-IDE in Sublime to edit the markdown file, save it and then knit it in RStudio.

eteitelbaum commented 4 years ago

Just to follow up on this, it seems the issue was related to the improper configuration of R_LIBS_USER that we discussed elsewhere:



Thanks again for your help.