randy3k / SendCode

Send code and text to macOS and Linux Terminals, iTerm, ConEmu, Cmder, Tmux, Terminus; R (RStudio), Julia, IPython.
MIT License
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how to install SendCode in Sublime 3? #35

Closed JeromeMathieuEcology closed 7 years ago

JeromeMathieuEcology commented 7 years ago

Hi, Sorry for this newbie question, but how can I install SendCode in Sublime 3 under windows 10?

I tried with the Package Control but SendCode is not in the list.


Then I tried to add the github repository, but I still can't find it.

{ "bootstrapped": true, "in_process_packages": [ ], "installed_packages": [ "Package Control", "SublimeREPL" ], "repositories": [ "https://github.com/randy3k", "https://github.com/randy3k/SendCode", "https://github.com/randy3k/SendCode/tree/master/src/r" ] }

Thank you in advance for you help! Jerome

randy3k commented 7 years ago

It could be installed using Package Control as usual. Maybe Package Control is caching the most recent update which was released a few minutes ago??

JeromeMathieuEcology commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your help.

I managed to install from the

Tools\Command Palette\ Package Control: Install Package.

However I don't succeed to send code to R (Gui or any other).

if I try

SendCode : ChooseREPL program

then R does not appear in the list


if I do first

sublimeREPL: R

Then I have a new tab in sublime with R running. If I stay on this tab and try again

SendCode : ChooseREPL program

I (sometimes, not always) have R GUI in the list .


(if I switch to another tab than the R one in sublime, R GUI does not appear any more in the list.)

Even when I selected RGUI, and that an RGUI session is already open, I don't succeed to send code to R (or to the R tab in Sublime). To send code I select the text and hit ctrl+enter , like in "Usage" section on


randy3k commented 7 years ago

You need to open an R file so that the options for R will be displayed and the SendCode functionality will work. So, did you open a R script file at all?

JeromeMathieuEcology commented 7 years ago

That's it !!!!

If I save my script with .R extension it does work!

Thanks a lot! Jerome

nwwangnan commented 5 years ago

Dear all: I would like to ask a dumb question. I am using mac. I am trying to use sendcode pulg-in to send code to R and Python. It works well with Python. But when I was trying to send R code to Terminus (right panel), It always start a new R console out of sublime instead of the R console that I called from terminals. What should I do to make sure I can send code to the R console in sublime?

randy3k commented 5 years ago

Would you explain what you meant when you said "a new R console out of sublime"? Is it the R GUI.app, Terminal.app or a new Terminus window in sublime?