randy3k / Terminus

Bring a real terminal to Sublime Text
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For WSl: WSLENV doesn't work as expected, giving shared variables with no value/blank value #281

Open Penguin98kStudio opened 3 years ago

Penguin98kStudio commented 3 years ago


WSLENV when opening wsl through terminus gives blank shared variables. (wslenv is a env variable that can share env variables across windows with wsl)


In cmd:

setx Sublime "C:\Users\Ibraheem\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text"
setx WSLENV "Sublime/p"

in wsl: env outputs:

Sublime=/mnt/c/Users/Ibraheem/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text
#rest of the env variables

in Sublime's Terminus's wsl: env outputs:

#rest of the env variables

the shared variable Sublime is empty/blank/none

randy3k commented 3 years ago

I am not very familiar with wsl. Do you need to trigger a login shell or interactive shell to make wslenv works?

Penguin98kStudio commented 3 years ago

just opening a normal wsl shell should let you use the shared env variables I am not quite sure how to explain, hope this screenshot helps image