randy3k / Terminus

Bring a real terminal to Sublime Text
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undefined-key for 'forward-word', 'backward-word', 'history-substring-search-up' and 'history-substring-search-down' #299

Closed kortschak closed 2 years ago

kortschak commented 3 years ago

I am using zsh with zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions and zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search.

I'm binding keys for word forward and backward and history substring search like so:

bindkey $terminfo[kRIT5] forward-word  # ctrl-right
bindkey $terminfo[kLFT5] backward-word # ctrl-left
bindkey $terminfo[kUP3] history-substring-search-up   # alt-up
bindkey $terminfo[kDN3] history-substring-search-down # alt-down

But, terminus complains during start up (debug on)

DEBUG:Terminus:receieved: "forward-word" undefined-key
"backward-word" undefined-key

DEBUG:Terminus:receieved: "history-substring-search-up" undefined-key
"history-substring-search-down" undefined-key

and fails to interpret the key bindings instead just rendering the hex for the key.