randy3k / Terminus

Bring a real terminal to Sublime Text
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load .bashrc configuration on terminus_open #318

Open wolfiesites opened 2 years ago

wolfiesites commented 2 years ago

Hello, I m a little greenhorn about this terminal, but its really handy and nice. I read through documentation and didn't find solution to launch command after opening terminus in panel of sublime text nor to launch some useful configurations.

I wonder if there is a way to load .bashrc configuration to terminal in pane?

Thanks in advance.

randy3k commented 2 years ago

We open a login shell by default and depends on your setup it might or might not source .bashrc in a login shell. You might need to source it in .bash_profile or .profile.

afrendeiro commented 2 years ago

In Ubuntu 22.04 I had to source my ~/.bashrc file from ~/.profile.