randy3k / Terminus

Bring a real terminal to Sublime Text
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How do I reuse the last command when terminus open? #326

Open easyfrog opened 2 years ago

easyfrog commented 2 years ago

In daily development, the usual operation is to open Terminus and press the up key to re-use the last command and then press Enter to execute it

Therefore, it would be helpful if terminus can display the previous command (automatic execution press the up key) when opening terminus.

lieskjur commented 2 years ago

this is a plugin I wrote some time back for the exact purpose

from .terminus.core import *

class TerminusReRunCommand(TerminusFindTerminalMixin,sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):

    def run(self, tag=None, visible_only=False):
        terminal = self.find_terminal(self.window, tag=tag, visible_only=visible_only)

        if not terminal:
            raise Exception("no terminal found")
        elif not terminal.process.isalive():
            raise Exception("process is terminated")

        if terminal.panel_name:
            self.window.run_command("show_panel", {
                "panel": "output.{}".format(terminal.panel_name)


If you want to use it directly, create an override using OverrideAudit and place it in the Terminus folder. Looking at it, there might be some improvements which could be made but it worked for me.

lieskjur commented 2 years ago

Thinking about it your use-case is a bit different. maybe you could include the send_key("up") as part of your post-window hooks.