randy3k / Terminus

Bring a real terminal to Sublime Text
MIT License
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Crash when Mac tries to load a Ubuntu terminal tab #371

Closed Endermanbugzjfc closed 1 year ago

Endermanbugzjfc commented 1 year ago

I dual-boot Mac and Ubuntu and have my programming workspaces in a shared FAT32 partition. I have Terminus in both my Sublime Text installations.

However, whenever I use my Mac Sublime Text installation to load a project containing any Ubuntu terminal tab, the whole Sublime Text freezes and stops responding until I force-quit it. I must either disable Terminus before opening it or delete the project.sublime-workspace file to reset project tabs.


randy3k commented 1 year ago

Normally, it shouldn't freeze sublime text. But anyway, I added a setting reactivate_terminals to not reactivate terminals when the window is re-opened. Will make a release soon.