randy3k / Terminus

Bring a real terminal to Sublime Text
MIT License
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Terminus does not display correctly some unicode characters #383

Open PetrKryslUCSD opened 1 year ago

PetrKryslUCSD commented 1 year ago

With this code

using CliffordAlgebras
gr3 = CliffordAlgebra(:G3)
for k in 1:8
    @show basesymbol(gr3, k)

I get image The first symbol should be bold-face 1. Shown on the left in the editor view, where I explicitly typed \bfone to get the symbol image


PetrKryslUCSD commented 1 year ago

The font was JuliaMono.

randy3k commented 1 year ago

It works for me with the default font on my mac.


Try the setting

"unix_term": "xterm-256color",
PetrKryslUCSD commented 1 year ago

In the Terminus settings? Like so?

    // a list of available shells to execute
    // the shell marked as "default" will be the default shell
    "shell_configs": [
            "name": "Git bash",
            "cmd": "bash.exe",
            "env": {},
            "enable": true,
            "default": true,
            "platforms": ["windows"],
            "unix_term": "xterm-256color",
        // {
        //     "name": "Ubuntu",
        //     "cmd": "bash -c /c/Users/pkonl/AppData/Local/Microsoft/WindowsApps/ubuntu2004.exe",
        //     "env": {},
        //     "enable": true,
        //     "default": false,
        //     "platforms": ["windows"]
        // },
        // {
        //     "name": "Bash",
        //     "cmd": ["bash", "-i", "-l"],
        //     "env": {},
        //     "enable": true,
        //     "default": false,
        //     "platforms": ["linux", "osx"]
        // }
PetrKryslUCSD commented 1 year ago

I think I now understand where the settings go, but they have no effect on the display of that troublesome character.

    "shell_configs": [
            "name": "Git bash",
            "cmd": "bash.exe",
            "env": {},
            "enable": true,
            "default": true,
            "platforms": ["windows"],
    "unix_term": "xterm-256color",
    "unix_lang": "en_US.UTF-8",
    "view_settings": {
        "font_face": "JetBrains mono",
randy3k commented 1 year ago

Oh. You are using Windows. I think it is an issue if the upstream package https://github.com/andfoy/pywinpty

There are new versions of pywinpty. Though it will require new version of Package Control that supports loading dependencies in python 3.8 and these is no ETA for that.