randy3k / Terminus

Bring a real terminal to Sublime Text
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Cygwin64 does not execute the path to the file being edited #392

Open betov69 opened 1 year ago

betov69 commented 1 year ago

Hello everyone, thank you very much for the work you do, I request your support to know what parameters should I include, so that cygwin opens the terminal with the full path where I am, if I leave the full path to cygwin without any parameter, the terminal opens correctly the path where I am, but the console commands does not work:

terminus03 terminus04

I investigated and apparently I have to login to the console to be able to use the console, so I decided to add that parameter to terminus and indeed the commands work, but it does not open the terminal in the working path:

terminus01 terminus02

Could someone help me with this please, thanks and greetings.