randy3k / radian

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Text in tibble not being displayed - colours issue? #391

Open JimShady opened 1 year ago

JimShady commented 1 year ago

When I make a tibble with some file names in it, I cannot 'see' the characters in the terminal. For example:


As you can see, when I hover over where the text should appear it is 'there'. I could click on it. I just can't see it. Have you seen this issue before? Thanks.

JimShady commented 1 year ago

Note I have tried the 'light' theme in vscode as well as the dark theme and it makes no difference. I've also tried just using radian in the cmd terminal - same thing.

JimShady commented 1 year ago

The issue seems to be specific to tibbles. If I convert to a data.frame, the problem goes away.


themrlawrence commented 8 months ago

While this is an old issue, it does still exist and the issue is not limited to just tibble. Results from testthat have the same behavior. Many characters in the output are the same color as the terminal background. Screenshot of output from R Terminal image

Versus the actual output when pasted into N++ image

Something funky is going on with the character formatting in the output.

Hopefully we can find a fix to this soon; copy pasting into N++ is a ball buster.