randy3k / radian

A 21 century R console
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Trouble opening radian using VS Code #394

Closed hhadah closed 1 year ago

hhadah commented 1 year ago


I am having trouble opening radian on VS Code.

After installing radian using pip3 install -U radian, when I open radian using terminal, I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/hhadah/opt/anaconda3/bin/radian", line 10, in <module> sys.exit(main()) File "/Users/hhadah/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/radian/app.py", line 11, in main from rchitect.utils import Rhome, rversion File "/Users/hhadah/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/rchitect/__init__.py", line 1, in <module> from .setup import init, loop File "/Users/hhadah/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/rchitect/setup.py", line 6, in <module> from rchitect._cffi import ffi, lib ImportError: dlopen(/Users/hhadah/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/_cffi_backend.cpython-38-darwin.so, 0x0002): Library not loaded: @rpath/libffi.7.dylib

I followed issues #271 and #384 with no luck.

My setting.json looks like the this:

{ "workbench.colorTheme": "Default High Contrast", "terminal.integrated.inheritEnv": false, "python.defaultInterpreterPath": "/Users/hhadah/opt/anaconda3/bin/python3", "git.autofetch": true, "editor.inlineSuggest.enabled": true, "quarto.mathjax.theme": "dark", "r.bracketedPaste": true, "r.rterm.mac": "/usr/local/bin/radian", "r.lsp.path": "/usr/bin/R", "r.lsp.debug": true, "r.lsp.diagnostics": true, "r.rterm.option": [ "--no-save", "--no-restore", "--r-binary=/usr/bin/R" ] } What else could I do so I could start using R on VS Code?


This is what I get when I run:

2to3 fax2tiff hub-tool opj_dump scalar 2to3-3.6 fc-cache hugo pal2rgb sdl-config 2to3-3.7 fc-cat hyperkit pandoc simple_dcraw 2to3-3.9 fc-conflist i686-apple-darwin8-gfortran-4.2 pcre-config skhd 4channels fc-list identify pcre2-config sqlite3_analyzer Magick++-config fc-match idle3 pcre2grep stream MagickCore-config fc-pattern idle3.6 pcre2test tclsh8.5 MagickWand-config fc-query idle3.7 pcregrep tclsh8.6 R fc-scan idle3.9 pcretest texi2any Rscript fc-validate idn pdf2dsc texi2dvi VBoxAutostart freetype-config img2webp pdf2ps texi2pdf VBoxBalloonCtrl gdbm_dump imgcmp pdftexi2dvi texindex VBoxBugReport gdbm_load imginfo pf2afm tiff2bw VBoxDTrace gdbmtool import pfbtopfa tiff2pdf VBoxHeadless gdbus info pip3 tiff2ps VBoxManage gdbus-codegen install-info pip3.6 tiff2rgba VBoxVRDP gen-enc-table jasper pip3.7 tiffcmp VirtualBox gettext jbig2dec pip3.9 tiffcp VirtualBoxVM gettext.sh jiv pkg-config tiffcrop animate gettextize jpegtran png-fix-itxt tiffdither aomdec gfortran jpgicc pngfix tiffdump aomenc gfortran-4.0 jxlinfo pod2texi tiffinfo autopoint gfortran-4.2 kubectl postprocessing_benchmark tiffmedian benchmark_xl gfortran-uninstall kubectl.docker potrace tiffset bjoentegaard gif2rgb libpng-config powerpc-apple-darwin8-gfortran-4.2 tiffsplit brew gif2webp libpng16-config pphs tificc brotli gifbuild linkicc ppm2tiff tjbench cairo-sphinx gifclrmp lprsetup.sh printafm transicc cairo-trace giffix lz4 ps2ascii unix-lpr.sh chromedriver giftext lz4c ps2epsi unlz4 cjpeg giftool lz4cat ps2pdf unlzma cjpeg_hdr gio lzcat ps2pdf12 unprocessed_raw cjxl gio-querymodules lzcmp ps2pdf13 unxz code git lzdiff ps2pdf14 unzstd com.docker.cli git-cvsserver lzegrep ps2pdfwr update-mime-database compare git-lfs lzfgrep ps2ps vbox-img composite git-receive-pack lzgrep ps2ps2 vboximg-mount conjure git-shell lzless psicc vboxwebsrv convert git-upload-archive lzma pydoc3 vmaf cwebp git-upload-pack lzmadec pydoc3.6 vpnkit dbtoepub glib-compile-resources lzmainfo pydoc3.7 webpinfo dcraw_emu glib-compile-schemas lzmore pydoc3.9 webpmux dcraw_half glib-genmarshal magick python3 wheel3 display glib-gettextize magick-script python3-32 wheel3.9 djpeg glib-mkenums makeinfo python3-config wish8.5 djxl glibtool mem_image python3.6 wish8.6 docker glibtoolize mkbitmap python3.6-32 wrjpgcom docker-compose go mogrify python3.6-config x265 docker-credential-desktop gobject-query montage python3.6m xgettext docker-credential-ecr-login gofmt msgattrib python3.6m-config xmlif docker-credential-osxkeychain gresource msgcat python3.7 xmlto dvipdf gs msgcmp python3.7-config xz dwebp gs-X11 msgcomm python3.7m xzcat easy_install-3.6 gs-noX11 msgconv python3.7m-config xzcmp easy_install-3.7 gsbj msgen python3.9 xzdec enc265 gsdj msgexec python3.9-config xzdiff envsubst gsdj500 msgfilter pyvenv xzegrep eps2eps gsettings msgfmt pyvenv-3.6 xzfgrep exr2aces gslj msggrep pyvenv-3.7 xzgrep exrenvmap gslp msginit pzstd xzless exrheader gsnd msgmerge quarto xzmore exrinfo gtester msgunfmt radian yabai exrmakepreview gtester-report msguniq raw-identify yuv-distortion exrmaketiled half_mt multirender_test raw2tiff zstd exrmultipart heif-convert ngettext rawtextdump zstdcat exrmultiview heif-enc notary rd-curves zstdgrep exrstdattr heif-info opj_compress rdjpgcom zstdless fax2ps heif-thumbnailer opj_decompress recode-sr-latin zstdmt