randy3k / radian

A 21 century R console
MIT License
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Radian eventually stops printing any output #426

Open D3SL opened 1 year ago

D3SL commented 1 year ago

I have a brand new clean installation of R 4.3.0, VSCode, Python 3.10.11, and Radian 0.6.5. Everything was completely and thoroughly cleaned out and reinstalled from scratch to try and get to the bottom of the language server bug as well as a new issue where console input freezes for up to 10-30 seconds at a time randomly.

Now I've just in the past day or two begun running into a new severe issue: Eventually radian will stop all output. The r console is still active, the session watcher still reports new objects as I create them in the workspace, commands like View() work fine, but there is no more standard or error output in the console. IE 3+3 will add 3+3, but it won't print the result. print(3+3) will do nothing.

There aren't any errors or bugs reported in the other output windows like there are when the language server inevitably crashes.

thedbcooper commented 4 months ago

I am having this issue using Windows 10. Radian is not usable for me in its current state.