randy3k / radian

A 21 century R console
MIT License
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Syntax highlighting command outputs #470

Open giancds opened 4 months ago

giancds commented 4 months ago

First, thanks for this nice alternative to R console. As I'm coming from a python background, it is nice to have something similar to iPython, though its design is more aligned to julia :-)

Question: Is it possible to make radian highlight NA values similar to what is found in RStudio console?

This is what we find in RStudio:


And this is the same output with radian:


randy3k commented 4 months ago

Could you try to update radian? The color printing functionality was broken in one of the earlier versions.

giancds commented 4 months ago

Hi, I currently have version 0.6.12, for Python 3.11.7. I know the problem with colored text was solved, but I meant to highlight the outputs of any command, in an outumated fashion as Rstudio terminal. Here is another example:


There is no other command aside library(tidyverse) in this example, no custom prints nor anything else :-)