randy3k / radian

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Search vs autocompletion #476

Open courtiol opened 1 month ago

courtiol commented 1 month ago

This is a feature request:

In RStudio (and probably in other software), the "autocompletion" does not require the beginning of a string to match; it thus behave more like a search than an autocomplete.

For example, typing sumglm will propose summary.glm.

I personally find this feature very handy since I tend to manipulate packages that use long function names.

As far as I know the otherwise super awesome radian does not offer this. It would be great if it would, even if I understand that it may not be everyone cup of tea. (A setting could perhaps offer both alternative autocompletions, or none).

I am not fluent in python so I don't think I could PR that, but I wanted to put the idea in the open.

NB: I don't think it is implemented as fuzzy matching in RStudio since the characters must be ordered correctly, which limits false positives.