randylien / generator-react-gulp-browserify

A Yeoman Generator for facebook's React library. It includes gulp, browserify, livereload and famous official Twitter bootstrap Sass version
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Problems right after initialisation #24

Closed optikfluffel closed 9 years ago

optikfluffel commented 9 years ago

Hi @randylien,

first of all thanks for this generator. But I have some problems getting it all up and running. I have Node (v0.10.36), Bower (1.3.12) and Sass (3.4.12) installed, ran through the configuration process (the only thing I deselected was jade support) and then tried to run:

gulp clean && gulp build && gulp jest
Error: /Users/optikfluffel/my_webapp/app/scripts/ui/__tests__/Timer-test.js: Cannot find module '../Timer' from '/Users/optikfluffel/my_webapp/app/scripts/ui/__tests__/Timer-test.js'

also in my built app.js there is strange stuff like

Timer = require("./ui/Timer.coffee");

going on. Do you have a cloud what's wrong on my side here?

Thanks in advance, optikfluffel

marclar commented 9 years ago

Had the same problem -- it seems that /node_modules/gulp-jest/preprocessor.js expects tests to have *.jsx file extensions.

I changed Timer-test.js to Timer-test.jsx. It doesn't fail anymore, but it also says 0 test passed (0 total)

cyrandy commented 9 years ago

+1 Same problem.

randylien commented 9 years ago

Hi all, Thanks for your feedback and I found the root cause. I am working on it now :)

randylien commented 9 years ago

Hi @optikfluffel , About the first question, please try 0.21. I refactor build task flow.

randylien commented 9 years ago

Hi @cyrandy @marclar, Please check the new npm test task to run jest-cli.