randylien / generator-react-gulp-browserify

A Yeoman Generator for facebook's React library. It includes gulp, browserify, livereload and famous official Twitter bootstrap Sass version
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gulp unhandled error in index.scss (Ruby Sass & Autoprefixer Issue) #65

Closed codeofsumit closed 8 years ago

codeofsumit commented 8 years ago

I just re-cloned my project that's using this generator (I haven't made much changes yet from the default generated files) and I get the following error when I try gulp watch:

[12:39:44] write ./main.css

      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: index.scss:110:14: Unexpected { in decls

problem is: there is no index.scss in my project. So it is some dependency or something (again; i haven't added any dependencies yet).

Weird part: this works perfectly fine on the mac I have setup the project with yo generator-react-browserify. Just when I clone it again, it won't work.

Any ideas where to search for the error or where to handle the error?

codeofsumit commented 8 years ago

current state of debugging, this is causing it:

$.rubySass('./app/styles', {
            style: 'expanded',
            precision: 10,
            loadPath: ['app/bower_components']

ruby sass is installed:

sass -v
Sass 3.4.18 (Selective Steve)
codeofsumit commented 8 years ago

Alright it's the combination of ruby sass and autoprefixer. If I remove either the code in the comment above, or .pipe($.autoprefixer('last 1 version')) - everything works. Still on it!

codeofsumit commented 8 years ago


$.rubySass('./app/styles', {
            style: 'expanded',
            precision: 10,
            "sourcemap=none": true,    // add this to make it work
            loadPath: ['app/bower_components']

Thanks all 🎉