randyzwitch / streamlit-folium

Streamlit Component for rendering Folium maps
MIT License
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vega-lite pop up charts not working #158

Closed this-josh closed 10 months ago

this-josh commented 10 months ago

I expect this is similar to #155, the result certainly is. @blackary @randyzwitch

If I try the vega_lite popup example from the folium docs I get just a slither of the plot.

import folium
from streamlit_folium import st_folium

from altair import Chart

import vega_datasets

# load built-in dataset as a pandas DataFrame
cars = vega_datasets.data.cars()

scatter = (

vega_lite = folium.VegaLite(

m = folium.Map(location=[-27.5717, -48.6256])

marker = folium.Marker([-27.57, -48.62])

popup = folium.Popup()



randyzwitch commented 10 months ago

Can you look in the developer console in the browser (right-click and "inspect") and highlight whatever error message it is providing?

randyzwitch commented 10 months ago

We only have vega included, but not vega-lite


Without bringing up a Streamlit app, I would guess we'd just add vega-lite to the index.html file

randyzwitch commented 10 months ago

Looks like Folium dynamically loads the vega-lite version 🥲


randyzwitch commented 10 months ago

This could be a weird one @blackary...the code snippet here uses Altair. Altair packages 5.0+ use v5 of vega-lite.

So we could assume that and include vega-lite v5, but it would probably be more stable if we required Altair 5+. But that adds a dependency that we really don't need for our package.

this-josh commented 10 months ago

Can you look in the developer console in the browser (right-click and "inspect") and highlight whatever error message it is providing?

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this-josh commented 10 months ago

This could be a weird one @blackary...the code snippet here uses Altair. Altair packages 5.0+ use v5 of vega-lite.

So we could assume that and include vega-lite v5, but it would probably be more stable if we required Altair 5+. But that adds a dependency that we really don't need for our package.

You could add Altair as an optional dependency? Quite a few packages have done that. I mainly use python poetry so cannot remember how to do it with requirements.txt but it can be done :)

You can add them to your setup.py

randyzwitch commented 10 months ago

I was overthinking it. More recent versions of Streamlit already require altair 5, so by transitive dependency it's already required.

I'll make a PR to add the vega-lite js library and this should be solved.

randyzwitch commented 10 months ago

SMH...missed vega-embed, will add in new PR

randyzwitch commented 10 months ago

Confirmed in 0.17.2

Screenshot 2023-12-06 at 9 14 21 AM