Closed Armagedon13 closed 2 years ago
Something off topic you can add more flash memory with this: and a cjmcu-2516 module (W25Q16BVSIG chip) add 16 M-bit more memory
Hi, I can compile a HEX firmware with some custom options, that would be fw-v181as or fw181ahs (has hat switch on 1st 4 buttons, while the rest 12 is usable for buttons). It will have support for ads1015 and Arduino nano button box for 16 buttons. I did not enable ads1115 because it is much slower than ads1015, but I can if you wish, however you should note that only the brake axis is 16bit in HID while the other pedal axes are only 12bit. There would be no practical benefit of extra resolution of ADC, it will only make the entire code much slower, which will also slow down ffb calculation rate. But if you would use it only for pedals and some buttons, with no encoder and motor, it should be fast enough.
edit: added HEX firmware fw-v181as and fw-v181ahs to the latest release.
Hi thanks for the reply, If you say is better to use a 12 bit version so I'm gonna use it later, I have a 16 bit now and I'm gonna see if really affect the code speed. Thanks for the new version. Talking about the Arduino button box I think can be better optimized using i2c because only uses 2 wires leaving 19 pins to make a button box if you don't use Rx and tx, so if you use 18 pins you have 9x9=81 buttons. I can change the code if only I can make it compile, I need a specific Arduino ide version? I have the lastest version and everything setting up and selected the Arduino Leonardo ffb board.
In order to compile my code yourself, this is a tricky part. It took me about 6 months just to compile Fernando's code back when I was starting. You can use the latest Arduino IDE 1.8.19, but I use older boards version 1.6.21. You will have to copy all the avr/core files that I provided in Arduino-FFB-wheel/arduino-1.8.5/hardware/arduino/cores/arduino/and also replace a few USB core files, which are inside br_wheel_my folder. Said files have to be replaced in C:\Users\milos\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\hardware\avr\1.6.21\cores\arduino folder. You also have to put all required libraries that I provided in Arduino-FFB-wheel/arduino-1.8.5/libraries/ to your documents\arduino\libraries folder.
Hi and thanks for this firmware, my question is if i can have a ads1115 16 bit ads datasheet and a arduino or multiplexer button box and if i can make a button matrix to optimize the buttons in pins like this: And the multiplexer is the 74hc4067 or 74HC595 74hc4067 datasheet / 74HC595 datasheet and you can wire multiple by cascading: