Closed topjor closed 1 week ago
I have finished my fake distributor, However it does work fully asynchronous because of dbus, which also requires the database to be asynchronous compatible (see my notes in the repo). I have been going trough your code to understand how it works exactly.
From what I see there are 2 ways for integrating UnifiedPush
Direct integration in the daemon. This would need some topic management code to be separated from the RPC system, so it can be reused, also some extra options are needed so the system can distinguish between regular and UnifiedPush subscriptions.
External integration. Having 2 applications (the GUI and the UnifiedPush manager) talk to the RPC to have their own topic subscriptions. Currently it is setup for a 1 to 1 relation between daemon and GUI.
There is as always a third option to not integrate it and build a separate system for doing UnifiedPush
(and perhaps a system that is more modular to what distributor / communication system is used and integratable into a desktop environment like gnome and phosh)
Nobody seems to be interested in that.
Did you make any progress? It would be great if this could support UnifiedPush
KDE now has a unified push library (KUnifiedPush) so there is progress being made on desktop
KDE took the right approach, by being modular, providing a library with support for multiple backends.
The GUI of this app offers features specific to Ntfy, while a generic app for UnifiedPush would not. Also, a GUI for UnifiedPush would need to be integrated in the OS settings, as the people from KDE did.
So, I'm sorry but UnifiedPush is out of scope for this project.
It would be very nice to have push notification integration for other apps trough Unified Push over ntfy. This would also help get the ball rolling in the linux 'desktop' world to start making more efficient background updates. especially on battery powered devices.
I am currently learning rust myself and trying to make a proof of concept fake distributor that can hopefully be integrated into the daemon to provide unified push support.
I am also updating and sending PR's to libraries as quite some are not used much and have not updated in a while with some breaking spec changes.
Current status and proof of concept repository: