ranger / ranger

A VIM-inspired filemanager for the console
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Configuring SHELL with /usr/bin/pwsh makes ranger fail on shell spawn (:shell $SHELL) #2787

Open sim590 opened 1 year ago

sim590 commented 1 year ago

Runtime Environment

Current Behavior

Execute ranger like so:

SHELL=/usr/bin/pwsh ranger

then run :shell $SHELL and the powershell is not spawned and the user is put back into the ranger interface.

Other shell operations won't work also like executing Fzf.

Running with --debug didn't give any information on stdout.

Expected Behavior

The shell should spawn like it does with Zsh, Bash and others.


See "Current Behavior".

Possible Solutions

I don't know.

Steps to reproduce

See "Current Behavior".


It doesn't crash.

sim590 commented 1 year ago

Weirdly, doing :shell pwsh does work ???


However, Fzf still fails since it must use the value of $SHELL in some way.

I don't see why :shell pwsh should work, but :shell $SHELL would fail. Plus, the Fzf case also which is connected in some manner.

toonn commented 1 year ago

I have no idea why this wouldn't work. Have you figured anything else out in the meantime?

Does it work if you don't pass the entire path like so: SHELL=pwsh ranger?

sim590 commented 1 year ago

I have tried to only pass SHELL=pwsh ranger and it didn't change anything. It still terminates abruptly.