rangle / angular-training-examples

Blog application for Angular 2 training
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Feat remedial js examples #17

Closed sinelanguage closed 8 years ago

sinelanguage commented 8 years ago

connect to rangle/angular-training-slides#34

sinelanguage commented 8 years ago

I have completed examples for cards #34 to #38 for the remedial Javascript examples. This PR has all of them

winkerVSbecks commented 8 years ago

I think most of these files you added are using 4 spaces while the rest of the project is using 2 spaces. Would you mind switching to 2 spaces to be consistent. Might be worth adding an editorconfig.

winkerVSbecks commented 8 years ago

Sorry I forgot to mention this earlier… could you limit one card to one PR in the future. It just makes it easier to review and manage the project.

winkerVSbecks commented 8 years ago
