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--shallow-since on git clone is causing "the remote end hung up unexpectedly" #67

Closed beamery-tomht closed 1 year ago

beamery-tomht commented 1 year ago

I'm running radius-tracker timelines ./path/to/config.js with a config like such

module.exports = [
    displayName: 'app-something',
    repoUrl: 'git@github.com:MyOrg/app-something.git',
    maxWeeks: 1,
    subprojectPath: '/',
    isTargetModuleOrPath: /^@my-org\/components/
    displayName: 'app-other',
    repoUrl: 'git@github.com:MyOrg/app-other.git',
    maxWeeks: 1,
    subprojectPath: '/',
    isTargetModuleOrPath: /^@my-org\/components/
  // etc...

For the majority of repos this works as expected, however there are some cases where the command spits out

fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly

I've narrowed this down to the --shallow-since=date that's automated from the maxWeeks or since options

There's a SO thread here about various solutions that have worked for people

Such as:

Updating .gitconfig to increase the buffer size

[url "git@github.com:"]
    insteadOf = https://github.com/

    postBuffer = 2048M
    maxRequestBuffer = 1024M
    postBuffer = 2048M
    lowSpeedLimit = 0
    lowSpeedTime = 999999
    windowMemory = 256M
    packSizeLimit = 256M
    compression = 0 # also try other numbers up to 9

Updating /etc/resolve.confg with:

options single-request

Making sure all of the repoUrl options are supplied as SSH URLs so that the key is used, etc...

Installing git-lfs and hoping it changes the git command's behaviour 🤷‍♂️

None of these solutions worked. There are still 1 or 2 repos for me out of a list of 20 that fail with this error

If I run the command locally (clearing the cache repo each time), it fails no matter the value for --shallow-since

git --git-dir=/path/to/cache/repo/.git \
  --work-tree=/path/to/cache/repo \
  clone \
  --no-tags \
  --single-branch \
  --no-checkout \
  --shallow-since=2023-05-01 \
  git@github.com:MyOrg/other-app.git \

Running the same command but removing --shallow-since and I don't get any issues

Also, setting --depth=3200 seems to work fine as well - and can run git fetch --unshallow after

But obviously can't specify this argument from the radius-tracker command and it doesn't solve the issue of taking commits from a specified date consistently across multiple repos

EDIT: (okay not a real edit as I've not submitted this issue yet...)

I've solved the issue by INCREASING the --shallow-since option with maxWeeks: 52... Seems like the script aborts and breaks if there are no commits for a given repo within the time window specified and throws this error

smoogly commented 1 year ago

Generally, I'm trying to fetch as little history as possible while still fetching enough to process the required timeline. This does indeed sometime cause issues, for example "error processing shallow info": https://github.com/rangle/radius-tracker/blob/3feab709f90a90f0337f1fe1d8eb4c5afa34f9b1/src/lib/cli/timelines/git.ts#L42-L51

Could you send me the full output of the failing git fetch with small --shallow-since? Full output of the example you shared would work nicely:

git --git-dir=/path/to/cache/repo/.git \
  --work-tree=/path/to/cache/repo \
  clone \
  --no-tags \
  --single-branch \
  --no-checkout \
  --shallow-since=2023-05-01 \
  git@github.com:MyOrg/other-app.git \
beamery-tomht commented 1 year ago

Apologies for slow reply - had to focus on other tasks

Here's the full output but not so much extra info

git --git-dir=/path/to/cache/repo/.git \
        --work-tree=/path/to/cache/repo/ \
        clone \
        --no-tags \
        --single-branch \
        --no-checkout \
        --shallow-since=2023-06-03 \
        git@github.com:MyOrg/other-app.git \

Cloning into /path/to/cache/repo/.git'...
fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly

I've also tried with --verbose and --progress but no other information shared