ranimurali412 / code4policy-team-a1

Project team 1, section A: Rani Murali, Rose Khattar, Amanda Said, Emily Fry
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Obtain/Identify climate policy data sources #22

Open Emily-coding opened 3 years ago

Emily-coding commented 3 years ago

Our team - policy

ranimurali412 commented 3 years ago

some estimates for # of jobs created by Biden's proposed climate policies here: https://joebiden.com/clean-energy/. We're documenting them in a Google sheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12DJKWq5iWs6kAoTHDGCZRZTHpE6wcaL-XqorL6bc4B8/edit?ts=5ffb500c#gid=0.

still looking for a better source for this - I think McKinsey did an analysis forecasting jobs created from Biden's proposed climate policies.

ranimurali412 commented 3 years ago

If the Biden plan doesn't have an estimate for # of jobs created for their policies, we could use this McKinsey analysis which looks at job impacts from post-pandemic clean energy stimulus policies (many of which Biden is adopting in his plan): https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/McKinsey/Business%20Functions/Sustainability/Our%20Insights/How%20a%20post-pandemic%20stimulus%20can%20both%20create%20jobs%20and%20help%20the%20climate/How-a-post-pandemic-stimulus-can-both-create-jobs-and-help-the-climate.pdf

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Emily-coding commented 3 years ago

This is great, and I've added the Mckinsey policies to the spreadsheet so we have them in one place. My concern with the Mckinsey jobs numbers is that they are forecast for a European country of size 50-70m people, so I'm not sure if they are as applicable for US figures.

Emily-coding commented 3 years ago

A third approach, more on the activist end of things, rather than the analytics end is the Sierra club forecasting (which has similar figures of 9m jobs pa as the Biden plan). Potentially less rigorous, but US focussed, so maybe that is ok? https://www.sierraclub.org/trade/millions-good-jobs-plan-for-economic-renewal image