ranking-agent / aragorn

A Translator ARA combining asynchronous database querying, answer coalescence, and answer ranking.
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Revisit cypher transpilation; neo4j representation #260

Closed cbizon closed 3 months ago

cbizon commented 4 months ago

Within plater we transform TRAPI to cypher but it's kind of a mess and needs straightening out

Exactly what happens in the graph, in the transpiler, and in plater needs to be rethought and implemented more carefully

capasfield commented 3 months ago

Transpiler changes made: attempted to eliminate redundancy between plater and the transpiler. Qgraph to Cypher pipeline was in multiple places. Now in one place. Attribute handling and TRAPI formatting are now in the Transpiler. Plater is now a way to customize what the transpiler does. Provided general clean-up.