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Search Engine Optimization for Academic Articles #121

Open atmostfear-entertainment opened 2 years ago

atmostfear-entertainment commented 2 years ago

Search Engine Optimization for most of the websites independently of their line of publishing, or even e-commerce, while offered by Rank Math SEO is a complementary tool that delivers outstanding results. Our staff has been using it since it was at a Beta stage and since then adopted it as part of our setup and for our development clients. So far, we highly recommend it and praise its constant evolution throughout the years and the predominant upkeep pace for outperforming others, as it keeps its essence as a performant plugin.

Nonetheless, there is an area that we and many others on the line of the publishing approach we take (Universities, Libraries, Repositories, Journals, etc.) are feeling somehow vulnerable and in need of a solution which leads us to approach your team through this channel.

ASEO (Academic Search Engine Optimization) is extremely important to ensure the discovery of research and online journal platforms. Some have over four million online articles but are hardly automatically indexed on the proper discovery channels without additional work to accomplish such indexing, for instance, through Google Scholar, which is the foundation of searchable academic research provided by scholars, not to mention the indexing of specific citations that are used in papers, which play a prominent role in the article’s ranking. Citing articles with a high rank will give the article a higher rank.

Google Scholar is known as an “invitation-based search engine” since it only indexes articles from trusted sources. Even if Google Scholar has received an article, it will still search the web for the different versions of the same file and then bundle them together in terms of indexing and ranking. However, most trusted sources, such as ourselves, do have the option to index our articles on Google Scholar. However, most of the work is done manually and requires considerable time when indexing multiple articles at once.

We know that adding the requirements that would allow academic journals would not suit all Rank Math SEO users. Having this in mind, we would suggest the feature be included as a module that can be enabled or disabled according to the user and website’s needs, just like it happens with any other modules on the plugin interface.

Through the years, we have tested every single SEO plugin in the ecosystem, free or paid, and none provide the feature or a solution to make this happen.

Just in case you want to discuss the inclusion of ASEO features, we will always be willing to share our insights, guidance, as well as constructive criticism, as we truly believe to the core that the inclusion of such features would not only benefit us but as well as the millions of academic sites that are also in so much need for this feature.