rany2 / edge-tts

Use Microsoft Edge's online text-to-speech service from Python WITHOUT needing Microsoft Edge or Windows or an API key
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Subtitles don't like parentheses #174

Open Scoffins opened 5 months ago

Scoffins commented 5 months ago

New to GitHub so apologies if my terminology isn't correct. I am using your latest update in "new-submaker" and mostly works great, but if the input text file contains a parentheses"(" or ")" right before the pattern character used for splitting, it stops outputting the subtitle right after that character.

E.g. if text file contains "Hello mate (friend). How are you?" it will stop right after (friend)

It also seems to happen if it's curly brackets {} aswel as parentheses.

Hope this makes sense.

rany2 commented 3 months ago

It does make sense and I do know why this happens, the new-submaker code isn't great; I mostly got it from a PR I initially merged to master but it had too many issues that I just decided to not bother with it. I intend to redo it at some point.