raol / amazon-sqs-net-extended-client-lib

Extension to Amazon SQS that adds support for sending and receiving messages greater than 256K
Apache License 2.0
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AmazonSQSExtendedClient does not have an implementation #24

Open mec2005 opened 3 years ago

mec2005 commented 3 years ago

Hi. First of all I want to thank you for this solution. I have an implementation that works fine, but when I updated AWSSDK.Core, AWSSDK.S3, AWSSDK.SimpleNotificationService and AWSSDK.SQS the client stopped working.

Now I have got the error.

System.TypeLoadException: 'Method 'get_Paginators' in type 'Amazon.SQS.ExtendedClient.AmazonSQSExtendedClient' from assembly 'Amazon.SQS.ExtendedClient, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' does not have an implementation.'
    _queueUrl = config.Url;
    _s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(new BasicAWSCredentials(config.AccessKey, config.SecretKey), Amazon.RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(config.Region));
    _sqsClient = new AmazonSQSClient(config.AccessKey, config.SecretKey, Amazon.RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(config.Region));
    _extendedClient = new AmazonSQSExtendedClient(_sqsClient, new ExtendedClientConfiguration().WithLargePayloadSupportEnabled(_s3Client, config.BucketName));
    catch (Exception ex)
        _logger.LogError(ex, "Constructor: SqsService");

I'll thank you again if help me!

AshleyJButcher commented 3 years ago

This problem relates to AWS SDK > 3.5.0

Rolling back to this version works for me

jacobneroth commented 3 years ago

ya looks like it breaking a few things in our system as well.

erikdac commented 3 years ago

Any plans to release a fix for this anytime soon? :)

SimonGeorge-Zoopla commented 1 year ago

https://github.com/raol/amazon-sqs-net-extended-client-lib/pull/38 fixes this issue

Leuzi commented 1 year ago

Hi! any way to get rid of this error at this point?

rafael-herscovici-orielo commented 8 months ago

New year, issue still exists. Is there a plan to fix this? or should we look for alternatives?

System.TypeLoadException: Method 'CancelMessageMoveTaskAsync' in type 'Amazon.SQS.ExtendedClient.AmazonSQSExtendedClient' from assembly 'Amazon.SQS.ExtendedClient, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' does not have an implementation.

raol commented 7 months ago

Hi @rafael-herscovici-orielo could you please provide a project that replicates the problem?

UPD. I merged #38 so it should solve the issue. You must have used newer version of AWS.SDK which was not fully supported by the package.