raomin / ESPAltherma

Monitor your Daikin Altherma / ROTEX heat pump with ESP32
MIT License
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Doubt about definition file for Rotex HPSU compact 308 eHCI #226

Open alextoro82 opened 1 year ago

alextoro82 commented 1 year ago

Hi raomin First of all many thanks for your incredible work ! I was playing with my Rotex pump to connect a M5stick and to my homeassitant over Mosquito MQTT.

Apparently its fine because I can see the altherma sensors: entity card: image

my creation image card: image

My question is which definition file to be used for ROTEX pumps... I included _PROTOCOL_SROTEX.h because the name is for ROTEX but I don,t know if other definition files can be used.

Thanks a lot!

raomin commented 1 year ago

Best way to know is to try others if you have doubts. Now, they all divert very little and if you have all the info you need already, no need to change! :)

Also, you might find (and contribute!) other info on the wiki page Choosing-the-right-definition-file

alextoro82 commented 1 year ago

Thanks Raomin. I will try with other definiton files to check it I am interested in more values to calculate COP,...