raomin / ESPAltherma

Monitor your Daikin Altherma / ROTEX heat pump with ESP32
MIT License
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How to get registers for COP? #339

Open membersound opened 8 months ago

membersound commented 8 months ago

What is the register for "consumed energy kWh" and the "energy delivered"? The values are visible in the touch menu of my altherma, so they should be readable.

I want to calculate the COP, but I would need those values for it. But where are they? I looked into all templates, but none of them seem to provide this information?

Sidenote: I'm using the DEFAULT Template for my Altherma 3 RW, which is a Model EHBX/ERGA.

jeroenvdheuvel commented 8 months ago

I would love this data too, I'm not sure how to and if we can get it. For the time being there's a way to calculate the COP: https://github.com/raomin/ESPAltherma#calculating-cop

ap20132022 commented 7 months ago

has anyone idea, how I can calculate the mean value of COP?

skrgahr commented 6 months ago

That would be great for me as well. That way i can easily calculate and track SCOP, that i basically care more about than COP.