raomin / ESPAltherma

Monitor your Daikin Altherma / ROTEX heat pump with ESP32
MIT License
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Open gomes89 opened 7 months ago

gomes89 commented 7 months ago

Hello. I see that my pump has the X10A connector with 8 pins. Is it supported? Which model should I select in the setup.h?

gomes89 commented 7 months ago

Update: I tested 1 or 2 includes so far and was only able to get data without errors from the PROTOCOL_S_ROTEX.

Sample data:

{"Circulation pump":"OFF","External heater?":"OFF","Priority to domestic water":"OFF","Burner inhibit from solaris":"OFF","Refrig. Temp. liquid side(C)":46.1719,"Inlet water temp.(C)":212.953,"Outlet Water Temp.(C)":212.953,"D(C)":212.953,"DHW tank temp.(C)":44.1719,"F(C)":0.00390625,"Delta-Tr(deg)":0,"R/C Setpoint(C)":0,"Operation Mode":"Fan Only","Error Code":" 0","Thermo Off Error":" 0","Warning Code":" 0","Caution Code":" 0","????":-69.5547,"WifiRSSI":"-50dBm","FreeMem":"25800"}

I would like to know a couple things more at least. For instance, the setpoint and if the HP is operating or not (with our without booster). Any ideas?