raomin / ESPAltherma

Monitor your Daikin Altherma / ROTEX heat pump with ESP32
MIT License
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Activating {0x60,5,203,1,-1,"Betrieb / Störung"} leads to an erroneous JSON. #418

Open markus786 opened 3 months ago

markus786 commented 3 months ago

Activating {0x60,5,203,1,-1,"Betrieb / Störung"} in the German ALTHERMA(LT_CA_CB_04-08KW).h leads to an erroneous JSON.

`2024-03-23 00:31:57.172 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.mixins] Erroneous JSON: {"Aktuelle Betriebsart":"Fan Only","Thermostat EIN/AUS":"OFF", ...,

"Betrieb / Störung":-,

..., "FreeMem":"225752"} `

raomin commented 3 months ago

Can you paste the json message received from mqtt?

markus786 commented 3 months ago

When I activate the mentioned register I only get one single row with all the entries separated by commas, but not getting separated into attributes. As soon as I deactivate it, everything works again.