raomin / ESPAltherma

Monitor your Daikin Altherma / ROTEX heat pump with ESP32
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Inlet water temp change #480

Open MathieuLH44 opened 5 days ago

MathieuLH44 commented 5 days ago


I have an issue about the Inlet water temp. Sometimes, when the weather is cold, this setting value change too low (lower value asked 40°C, issue value 35°C)

This happen online when I allow the external thermostat

Do you had the same issue ? Maybe is a setting to change ?

HaiQ31 commented 3 days ago

I am not sure whether I get your question. Where do you see the correct value und where the one too low? Do you mean, that your inlet temp. value provided by espaltherma does not show the correct value? How is the external thermostat related to espaltherma?

MathieuLH44 commented 3 days ago

I set a LW (48°C at -5 and 40°C at 20), but, the inlet temperature drop to about 35°C (by ESPaltherma), and this value is on the screen of the control panel But this happen only when I use the external thermostat

Capture d'écran 2024-11-24 113154 Capture d'écran 2024-11-24 113144

When this happen, the pump shorts cycling, so I think it's not the best for the durability

HaiQ31 commented 3 days ago

I still have questions. As I understand so far:

what I see:

what I guess:

what I miss:

I'd be happy to think things over with you, but what I see here is not related to espaltherma sensor. Espaltherma is just the messanger here of what your HP is doing.

edit: add links to *.h files as an example

MathieuLH44 commented 2 days ago

I think that the ; loi d'eau P is for the main area loi d'eau A is for the second area (not active) But i'm not sure What do you mean when you say RWT ?

I add a picture of the settings (I tried some little change on the temperatures) PXL_20241124_202816175

Yes, the LW is constant, but it's under the wanted value

Yesterday, the pump works well after a restart (8h30) Capture d'écran 2024-11-24 213702

HaiQ31 commented 2 days ago

ah okay. I estimated "A" stands for "Avance" which I translated with "leaving water" (LW, leaving the heat pump to the emitter) and "P" stands for "prise d'eau" which I translated with "returning water" (RW, returning water from the emitter back to the heat pump). With "RWT" I mean returning water temperature. To figure out whether something is wrong here or not, I think we need leaving water temperatur and returning water temperatur time series. I add a figure that shows what I mean: blue is the set point for LWT [sic] at the time, yellow is LWT and orange is RWT. You see a lot of peaks over the set point and valleys bellow it.

Temperatures What you can't see is that the flow rate of the water. This shows the second figure. As you can see, peaks only occure when flow is above 0 L/min. But not every time. This is because the compressor does not heat everytime. flowrate You can see this in the last figure compressore speed Only when heat demand exists the compressor switches on. If no heat demand is left, it goes back off. If you look on the first figure you can see that in the peaks, the spread between RWT and LWT is lower than 4K. It's about 1,5K. For the HP that means that the heat is not needed. To figure out whether there is something wrong at yours, we need all this information.

At 8.30 your water pump went off. As I mentioned: your water pump starts every now and then to scan if heating demand exists. Without the state of your compressor (the actual heat generator), we can't see whether your heating system tries to heat or not.

Do you experience any issue with the heating system, like cold rooms or something else that makes you think something is wrong with it?

edit: add figures as example

MathieuLH44 commented 22 hours ago

I add the temperature of the leaving water (orange) and of the return temperature (purple)

I restarted the heat pump at 8:30 Capture d'écran 2024-11-26 220738

Capture d'écran 2024-11-26 221025 Capture d'écran 2024-11-26 221210

I see that your heat pump do a lot of short cycle, but, I think it's not good for the durability

Do you speak french ?

HaiQ31 commented 13 hours ago

I don‘t speak french. I just played around with deepl;)

I see what you mean before the power cycle. But this is not necessarily faulty. If yellow means the set Point of LWT everything works as intended. But why your HP lowers the set Point to this value can‘t be seen here. Do you have schedules set up? Are there further external inputs i.e. room sensors, smart grid,…

After the power cycle, your LWT (orange) looks good and is near the set point. The spread between LWT and RWT looks good as well.

As a side note: that the HP says it is in heating mode does not necessarily mean that it‘s actually producing heat. Depending on your installation, It just means that it performs all necessary operarions and measurments to produce heat (including but not limited to produce heat)

you are right, the HP short-cycles a lot. Since this is because of demand lower than the minimum heating power and no storage it is hard to reduce these.