raomin / ESPAltherma

Monitor your Daikin Altherma / ROTEX heat pump with ESP32
MIT License
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Current measured by CT sensor #98

Open Mikkofromfinland opened 2 years ago

Mikkofromfinland commented 2 years ago

Hi all.

I'm new user of ESPAltherma and manage to hook up everything fairly easy. Most of the things are functioning well and now starting to look more deeply on the pump behavior.

I have Daikin Altherma EGSAX10DA9W ground heat pump here in Finland fitted.

I have also CT sensors fitted and they work as I can see the current values from heat pump display.

I'm trying to read CT sensor values from register 0x63 without any success.

It only shows Conv 161 not avail.

Could there be any other register where these CT sensor readings could be found?

Thanks in advance

monsieurhannes commented 9 months ago

Similar to #313